The Salmagundi Art Club asked me if I would make some changes to my Coast Guard painting, which I did. I am wondering if they will accept it now. They asked me to soften the features of the boys on the right. This is 'after'. I hope this meets with their approval because I painted this specifically for the Coast Guard Fine Art Program. I was truly touched by their efforts to relieve the victims of Haiti. The CG were the first to arrive on scene. Some of the Haitian docks and harbors were so severely damaged that they had to anchor off shore and use small crafts to transfer aid and emergency rescue people to the island nation.
The guy pictured in this painting is of Haitian descent and speaks the language. He learned while he was there that his aunt was one of the thousands who died. In the photo that I worked from, there is a shoulder in the right front corner. I painted in the little girl to symbolize the little Haitian girl that the Guardsman ended up adopting, one of the many children orphaned by the disaster.