I just completed two newsletters back to back. The first was our district news magazine, Breeze. If you have the slightest interest, you can find it at https://cgaux7.org/
Just click on the link "D7 Publications" located near the top. The second was a much smaller flotilla publication, but it contained some wonderful photos of the USCGC Eagle, the Gloria and the Capitan Miranda at the Tampa Parade of Sails. Now, I am working on a customized day planner for our soon to be new Commodore, and then a powerpoint presentation. After that, I can start reading through the galley proof for my book. I just got it Thursday, but they have called twice already wanting me to simply accept all edits so they can move on to the print phase. Not going to happen. I will not be that sloppy. Once that book is in print, that will be the impression of my writing that people carry with them, and typos will not leave a favorable impression.
It really bugs me. The Breeze was proofread twice, (usually 3 times, but one proofreader was unavailable) and darn if after it was published to the web, I did not see more errors! I hate that. That the errors are few makes no difference. I hate that they are present. It makes us look like amateurs. Ok, so we are amateurs, but we strive to be professional in all that we do. I cringe when I see typos in my posts and replies on MyBloggers. I don't mind other people's typos, but I sure dislike my own!