Wow, I really didn't know about any of this. I'm familiar enough with the Schubert theaters and such, but never knew anything else you have posted here. Thanks for posting it.
I am going to check out that Painting for Charity...I'd like to know more.
I will be checking it out. A show like this is long overdue and, well, she did do a bang-up job when she did her Merv Griffin-style show, so she just might be up to making a hit out of a variety show. I saw her interview on the Today Show and she was right...even the reality shows that are talent shows prove that there's an interest in variety shows because people want to be entertained.
This is getting added to the list. The list is getting so long that I'm going to have to put it on a roll of tp...that way I can keep unrolling as I need to add more titles.
It's good to know that there are numbers to call and places to go to. More are needed, though, as this horrible "thing" becomes more and more apparent. It's a long-existing problem that is growing instead of going away.
I've been catching some different versions of preparing turkey, stuffing, and some other holiday-style dishes, too. Some are pretty fascinating, huh? The one you just described will certainly be flavorful, without a doubt. Whether you like the taste or not, I don't think anyone would call it too bland.
That graphic is so fitting for your pretty much says it all. Those darn outside forces of which we seem to have little control over can infiltrate and overturn even the most secure, iron-clad situations. And, to think, it can all start with a simple phone call...or, nowadays, an email. I'm sorry you had such a tumultuous weekend, but it proves the answer to the question, "Yeah, but who are the better parents, the better people in all of this?" If you think about the reasons for why you and G get so upset when there's unfair criticism, why the kids are bored or unhappy somewhere else, why kids keep communicating when they're supposed to be doing something else, and why you give up your plans to do what's needed before what's wanted, you can rest assured that you are the kind of people you can be proud of and happy with.
It's good that you can start reducing some of the meds, even if there will be some that will remain on your "to do" list into the future. As long as you are feeling ok and the doc is kept aware, it doesn't hurt to cut down on dependencies and possible side effects.
Sounds good, but maybe too fiction-y for me. I don't even know if that last sentence made any sense.
I think they're wonderful looking, though, don't you? What kid wouldn't want one, either back then or now? Edie's nephew has the fire engine one. His mother found it at a yard sale...well used, but in great shape...... for $35. A bargain, I'd say.
Oh, you've made me jealous again! I would love to be able to see that area and even the shopping sounds very inviting. I'm glad you got to spend some time with your sister, too...that was very nice.
This is an excellent post! A lot of information and an in-depth way of looking at it all. I like to write and to express myself and to make a point, but I could never have written such a fine piece as that. Thank you, really is a great post!
I've only seen her in two movies. Oh, I like her very much, but I cam't say that I'm too familiar with her work. I always knew a little about her, too, but never knew a lot.
Hmmm, there may be some, maybe a lot, maybe a little, truth to what he says and he certainly does make some good points. But, it is an opinion, not a hard, etched in stone fact that book-to-stage is all bad or disappointing to all audience members. Not everyone is so wrapped up in the books, some may not have read all the books, some don't need every detail and/or every syllable of dialogue spoken in the book. Like so many other things, there may not be the time needed to enjoy everything there is to savor, so a play will bring a viewer (equivilent to a reader) into an entire dramatization of a story usually a lot faster than a book will. Of course, all that I am saying is only an opinion.
I like this song, but I have to be honest, I can not listen to it every time I hear it play. There are times when it is just perfect and I will listen to every word and get into the "story". At other times, it just won't hit right...either I'm feeling too emotional already or I just want some lighter, up-beat tunes. You're right, though, it's a great song that makes me think of some of my own memories, some with people I have run into again and some I may never see again.