I've always admired Gandhi and what you posted here is much of the reason why.
Silly, but fun! But, you know, that last pic gave me an idea!
It's a good thing I didn't hear that first phone prompt, I probably would have pushed it! Anyway, you have been missed and your friends got a bit concerned, but, the important thing is, you are ok. Welcome back, hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and I hope things won't be so bad for your supervisor. Welcome back!
I love this! Love, love, LOVE this!!! If you remember, I can't knit a stitch...or purl, either, lol...but I can certainly get my mother to make this for me! I love it. Did I tell that I love it?
Yeah, my honeybunch is a fan of superheroes...but she doesn't get to watch much of anything along these lines. First, time isn't always in her favor and, second, I'm not in favor of watching them...so, oh well, we'll watch something else.
Stuff like this is hard for a kid, I don't care what anybody says. Do some research on ADD...not for you, but for your son. You don't have to bombard him with information, but let it come up here and there in conversation when you sense it's good timing for it. Certainly there must be celebrities...sports figures, tv actors, movie actors, singers...that Kev will recognize (maybe he likes) that had/have ADD or have kids with it. Without giving names, you might remind him that there's no need to feel embarrassed because there are roughly "so many kids" (you fill in the number) in his own school that have it, so it is very common and does not make anybody bad or not normal. In the meantime, keep smiling and keep thinking of all the reasons why you really are happy and what you really do love about your life...it'll help make these "speed bumps" go a little easier.
Good for your daughter...yes, she's worth everything and more so she should get her hair done and enjoy herself! You and your son, too, are so supportive and that always means a lot and will go a long way. Please, do watch out for those bugs and keep taking care of yourself...it's not good or fun to be sick.
You're so right. I created new memories by inviting people over for what was to become an annual get together...potluck meal surrounded by decorations and holiday music, some fun talk and laughter, and the exchanging of small, personal keepsake-type gifts. I also "buried" myself in each year's Christmas tree, turning off the lights at night except for the ones on the tree, sitting close by and thinking of the/a story to go with each ornament hung on it, for they were all new ornaments that I had purchased and continued to add to so I'd have more each year.
You liked it? I'm glad you did.
Bob the builder, huh? LOL And hoisting cranes? And the removals of walls and the pouring of cement? I think we're in the middle of a major construction job, don't you? I don't know how you are managing to function so well with all that commotion going on. You've got a lot of stamina, that's all I can say!
I love this...especially that last verse! Oh, that is so "how I feel!"
Yes, that summoning voice can be heard everywhere and in all things. One must realize that is what is being heard, but must be able to hear in the first place.
It sounds simple and basic enough but, then it really is a bit more complicated than that. I need to think on this some more. I can be human and being...I can be both, well, actually, I am both. Aw, heck, ana, let me go think on this...
I remember the days when an audience member would excuse himself just because he had a "tickle" cough and didn't want to disturb those around him. I remember when no one expected to even try to be seated or get to a seat once the curtain rose...and would patiently wait for a scene change. I remember when no gentleman would keep a hat on, although I growled at women who wore oversized hats (especially me because I'm so short). Only, and I say ONLY when a cough drop or candy was really NEEDED would anybody start unwrapping one, and usually the attempt would be muffled somehow or done quickly to get it over with. Theater is different...a lot of young people don't know the etiquette not only because they are unfamiliar with it, but they never attended with others who did know and who would have taught them.
Two sides to a story and often we, the general public, forget that even celebrities are real people and there are often reasons we are unaware of and exaggerations of gossip we are aware of. People do not always turn out to be who we think they are and some change from the ones we first meet. Oh, well, enough of that...all in all, it's a good post because it doesn't come across as a tabloid story.