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Life & Events > Expansion #4 and a Bit More

Expansion #4 and a Bit More

The weekend is over, Monday went by and yet Thursday to begin here.
What has happened last days?
You all know what the situation was till Thursday. Friday they digged the place where the new floor is supposed to come. Quite a deep hole I must admit, dangerous a bit because when you walk out the backdoor you can fall deep. Therefore I locked the backdoor and put the key away.
I had made an appointment with visitors for the kitchen round 8 pm. My wife and eldest son with girlfriend were supposed to watch "les miserables" in Rotterdam so they had to leave round 4 PM. Well, while they almost arrived at the theatre, they received a phonecall of the producers-office: Show is cancelled because of the fact 10 actors were ill (most of them important rolls) . Pity but true, they will receive new cards. Because they already were in Rotterdam they decided to have dinner there to make the evening a bit OK.
Round 8 the doorbell rang and the kitchen-viewers were there. They like the kitchen and will buy it. Next Saturday they will come to remove it all. 1 Thing less to care about.
Last Saturday I had to remove the refrigerator, because this week the back housefront will be removed. The fridge is placed next to the housefront so, because they need space I have to remove it. It was quite a job I must confess, it looked easier then it was (its a "build-in"-refrigerator). It took me about 3 hours. I haven't done much more that day I must confess. Just watched Prison break and went to football to watch my son.
Sunday morning I started sanding the front window-frame. After the rebuilding we want to get it white, so why not put on an undercoat right now.
The there was Monday. At 7 am the doorbell rang. The builder was there to introduce himself. Cant help it but his name is Bob (lol the builder).
When I came home from work so much had took place:
They downpoured cement concrete to make the new floor in the expansion. The plumber came by to arrange some things, and then suddenly a huge hoisting crane appeared in the street. It was necessary to put all kinds of material in the garden on the backside of the house. It all was hoisted over the roof of our house. That lasted several hours with traffic problems in the street lol. My whole garden is full of materials now.
The electrician came by as well. To make him do his job properly we need to empty and remove cupboards, pc closet and so.... quite a lot actually we dad last night.
Round 8 pm last night the kitchen supplier called. The kitchen will be delivered next Tuesday.
Finally I was able to relax a bit. I watched Grey's anatomy, talked a bit online with Bruno (he will visit Amsterdam next 6 days, but I wont be able to meet him :(( )and went to bed too late again.
Today, when I woke up, the builder already was busy with the new floor again. Curious what will happen today. Will see it when I come home.

posted on Nov 25, 2008 3:09 AM ()


Bob the builder, huh? LOL And hoisting cranes? And the removals of walls and the pouring of cement? I think we're in the middle of a major construction job, don't you? I don't know how you are managing to function so well with all that commotion going on. You've got a lot of stamina, that's all I can say!
comment by donnamarie on Nov 25, 2008 5:14 PM ()
With all that hoisting and noise your neighbors must love it!!! You will have to take a holiday after it is all done though you should take one while it is being done.
Give me one good excuse why you can't met Bruno?!?!? As a professor you are suppose to be smart--millions of reasons to get away for an hour or two-so put your thinking cap on!
Ah, but then, fantasy is better than reality!
comment by greatmartin on Nov 25, 2008 3:46 PM ()
You have to watch out for a bit more.The bit more could become
much more.Good luck my friend.
comment by fredo on Nov 25, 2008 10:22 AM ()
Sounds like things are coming along quite nicely.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 25, 2008 8:15 AM ()

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