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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Today's Miracle Mind ? > Donnamarie's Comments

Donnamarie's Comments

I love this sports talk!
Comment on It's the Gators Vs. the Sooners for National Title - Dec 8, 2008 10:19 AM ()
I'm going to take all of this into consideration as this week plays out. Maybe being prepared will make for a more successful and easier-going week. Thanks.
Comment on Week Ahead Energies ... 12/08/08--12/14/08 & More - Dec 8, 2008 8:58 AM ()
Beauty, therefore, is everywhere in every form and can be seen by anyone who recognizes it and discovered by those seeking for more. I see beauty all around me...I even "see" it in things I hear, smell, taste, etc.
Comment on In Awe of Beauty - Dec 8, 2008 8:14 AM ()
Oops! But, it's caught it in time.
I'm looking forward to this year's awards because I am an admirer of all, and a fan of most.
Comment on I Goofed Big Time! Check Date! - Dec 8, 2008 8:10 AM ()
Fortunately, I'm around happy people...but, only when I get to be around anybody! The people that are the happiest people to be with, the people that make me the happiest, all live far enough away that I may get to see some once or twice a year, some maybe once every 5 years or so, and some I never see at all. The neighbors here are not happiness-makers, I work alone at wonder I struggle with staying happy! (Which is why I make time with people as happy as it can be.)
Comment on Warning ... Happiness is Contagious - Dec 8, 2008 8:01 AM ()
Those are worth keeping...just so funny! I should do the same because I certainly do have a lot being saved in this computer. (If I had that much stored in my brain, I'd bust! lol)
Comment on Cleaning House - Dec 8, 2008 7:17 AM ()
I remember this and it is good to see it again! All good advice, Martin!
Comment on My Favorite Blog/topic - Dec 8, 2008 7:15 AM ()
I love these! A snowball's chance in hell...I've used that expression at least a million times. But, can you believe that I wasn't familiar with snare and delusion? I am now and it's a good one.
Comment on Cats and Snowballs - Dec 8, 2008 7:08 AM ()
I actually enjoy this holiday...I have a friend who was raised as both Catholic and Jewish, so she got to celebrate both and I celebrated along with her. I'm going to save your explains the holiday in a nice compact way that is easy to read and follow...I believe Edie's nephews will enjoy hearing this "story".
Comment on Hanukkah--the Other December Holy Day - Dec 8, 2008 6:44 AM ()
These fluctuations and "incentives" are and have always been in a sort of a pattern. How things are promoted will bring in exactly the results the promoters are hoping for...and, we the buyers, shop with our eyes and "wants" more than we shop with our heads and our real "needs"...and the promoters know this. This is still a very tricky time and a "dangling carrot" should not lure us away from more practical, cautious thinking, planning, and purchasing.
Comment on Price of Gas and Tax Credits - Dec 8, 2008 6:41 AM ()
Good luck, AJ! You probably noticed that I'm not here all that often myself, for schedules and things to do just seem to increase at times, and this is one of those times. It sounds to me like you'll be as busy as an elf yourself, so we all understand and will look forward to when things slow down a bit and you can be back with us. If I don't "see" you before Christmas, will you be sure to have a merry one?
Comment on Taking a Leave of Absence - Dec 8, 2008 6:34 AM ()
Sometimes that comfy bed is the only answer! I hope feel more rested. Oh, those lights must have been beautiful. I love lighting displays, but might not be getting to see any this year. Thankfully, my town does a nice job of lighting up it's main street and has a beautifully lit giant tree in the center of town and a neat lit up giant snowflake suspended over that same part of the main street. Driving or walking through town (and the multi-colored lit town next door) really is a treat at this time of year. Now, keep yourself rested and take care of yourself.
Comment on Nanaimo - Dec 8, 2008 6:26 AM ()
This is one of the prettiest and nicest things I've ever read, plus I love the the mix of languages in the verses. I really like it.
Comment on Song for the World - Dec 8, 2008 5:55 AM ()
Of course it hurts. You know you're a better person, but it hurts to see people act like that and it hurts to have people do things that can deliberately hurt others, especially right in front of their noses. That's what happened here and that's why it hurts. They're the ones that are the saddest though, because they're the ones acting the way they are. Hugs for you and keep looking at and feeding off of the things that are good and don't hurt...that's where the real love is.
Comment on Emotions in a Blender - Dec 7, 2008 2:44 PM ()
I agree with an emphasis made in the post, she is a perfectionist! One of the most talented perfectionists, at that! I think I've seen all of her movies, gee, I have no idea how many times. I've heard her sing, for sure, and have numerous records, tapes, and CD's of hers. The Kennedy Award, that's great! I can still remember the day I bumped into her in an elevator at the Empire State Building. Yep, we chatted...not just me, all on the elevator, as we rode down to exit the building.
Comment on Okay, So I Love Her! She Does it All and Does It - Dec 7, 2008 2:28 PM ()

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