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Inspirational Thoughts

Entertainment > Week Ahead Energies ... 12/08/08--12/14/08 & More

Week Ahead Energies ... 12/08/08--12/14/08 & More

Mark Husson

M O N D A Y December 8
Moon in Aries / Taurus

Most of the day lends itself to the warrior sign of
Aries as the Moon reacts to the fiery essence of this aggressive sign.
Most of the morning gives you a green light to finish up your work at
lightening speed but for as fast as you are going, you will need that
much longer to slow down. The afternoon *Void of Course last for the
entire night suggesting that you begin to get your focus back on you
and your body and your needs.

The planets
are behaving nicely and even though it's a Void of Course day, there is
plenty of wonderful energies around to support you. Good food, good
friends and a hot bath could make the evening near perfect.

I embrace and accept my unique character.

T U E S D A Y December 9
Moon in Taurus

An all day Taurus Moon helps you to stay grounded
and fully nourished. Now that Mars is retrograde, Taurus Moons have a
different feel to them; they're slightly more stressful if push
outward, and profoundly supportive if you pull in. That doesn't mean
you have to assume a yoga position, it means that you would do much
better making choices that come from your body's desire, not one from
your mind. Taurus natives know what I mean, but others just have to
understand that before you make any decisions, reach inside and see if
your body is saying yes or no. It will be very clear.

Notice your body. What is it trying to tell you? Do
you need rest or a massage? What about your bed; comfortable? Look
around your environment and notice what you have been living with.
Release things that you aren't using (try giving them away, rather than
selling them) and seek to support yourself with something that supports
you in return.

I am grateful for the loving presence I find within me.

W E D N E S D A Y December 10
Moon in Taurus

The Taurus moon goes Void-of-Course this afternoon
until late tonight when it enters Gemini. There is a kind of fun in the
air today as the Sun and Uranus do a little dance but it's not the most
stable day. Surprises and reactions could pop up everywhere. So don't
stand too firm on any particular outcome, surprises have a way of
living up to their name.

Romance is possible if you are open to that; if not
then use the available energy for getting creative. What ever you
attempt to do today, please remember that accidents are in the air
waiting for the "ungrounded" ones among you!

Within, I remain the same age.

T H U R S D A Y December 11
Moon in Gemini

Please move with consciousness today. Mars and
Uranus are clashing and every time these two come together in a harsh
way, there is usually upheaval. Mars is the planet of aggression and
Uranus is the planet of surprise so we are looking at the possibility
of sudden events that appear to come at us aggressively. This could
appear as an event in the world or as a smaller event in our personal
life. Car accidents are the one extreme and the other extreme is that
you accidentally pick the winning numbers of the lottery. Uranus is so
full of surprises that it is best for you to stay aware today and to do
things with a little extra thoughtfulness.

Gemini moon isn't really helping because it loves for us to be out and
about with wild abandon. These planets will stay connected through
tomorrow so it's important to slow yourself to a conscious and
deliberate pace.

My life joyously responds to me and is working on every part of my body.

F R I D A Y December 12
FULL MOON in Gemini

This is a huge day and I can't give it much of a
success rating because I think it's going to require that we let things
settle before taking action. For starters it is the Full Moon in
Gemini, a day when we begin to reap the rewards of our work over the
past 2 weeks. Place fearless intentions in your mind today and let
yourself see everything around you as supporting you. Ideas are rampant
and new connections will likely prove very important.

The rest of the day is embraced by a very long Void
of Course Moon suggesting that we slow down. Saturn is clashing with
the Sun, which usually indicates an argument or struggle between duties
and desire. Clearly, it's a big day with lots of activity. It can be
subtle in its portrayal to you, but don't be fooled. Use this day as if
it held the key to your future. Think big, don't burn bridges (though
you may have to release a person or two that has been dragging you
down) and keep love close to your consciousness.

The more I spend the more I have to spend.

S A T U R D A Y December 13
Moon in Cancer

Another all day Cancer moon is at hand. Notice how
your attention is drawn towards home and family. Family, of course, can
be defined by any close relationship. Cancer is also the moon filled
with most insecurities and you may find that you worry more under this
moon. Worry is what the mind does when it senses that the emotions are
out of control or when it senses an intense feeling that it does not
know how to work with. Rather than letting your mind have a free day of
obsessive thinking, imagine grabbing its hand and walking down to your
belly of feelings and offer a group hug to all the scared parts of
yourself. Remember, fear is not trusting that there is a force bigger
than you, more loving than you, and wiser than you, guiding you through
this terrain called life. Use the Cancer moon to nurture yourself and
anyone around you who seems to have lost their way.

This day is also blessed with a connection of the
Sun and Neptune. Together these two can add a sense of trust and
embrace to the day. The roller coaster ride of last week is coming to a
close. Hopefully you can spend the day at home, preferably on the couch.

Each person I meet is precious to me.

S U N D A Y December 14
Moon in Cancer

The moon goes Void of Course this afternoon and
remains so until late tonight when it enters the fiery sign of Leo. The
long Void of Course when in Cancer is usually a good formula for a mood
swing or two but come this evening things will have come into balance.

Don't take the Cancer moon worries too seriously
though they are useful in pointing to issues that may require your
attention. For the most part, the skies are clear, in fact they are so
clear there isn't a planetary connection of any kind happening today.
Enjoy the reprieve, tomorrow has something different in mind.

I bring good into every circumstance.

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This Sunday On SJRadio!
Keith Ruback - Psychic Youth 8p Eastern
Sahvanna Presents 9p Eastern
Mark Husson - Lovescopes 10p Eastern

Monday December 8 at 11p  EST Karen J. Lewis Presents:
Mark Daniel Pescetti

host Karen J. Lewis as she and Mark discuss his book "Becoming, The
Evolution of Being" which talks about his journey of seeing the
illusion as what it is.

Friday December 12 at 10p  EST Anita Ahuja Presents:
Joan Wester Anderson

which was on the New York Times best-seller list for over a year, has
sold almost two million copies and been translated into fourteen
languages. Published in fall, 1994, were the sequel to ANGELS, titled

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Tune in as astrologer Mark Husson gives you his fearless take of what's ahead ... Mark S. Husson is a man with a lifelong interest in the inner workings of ... - 41k Welcome home.

Mark S. Husson is a man with a lifelong interest in the inner workings of the mind. Mark received his undergraduate degree in psychology and went on to ... - 55k

*Void of Course

Void-Of-Course Moons

Never heard of the void of course moon? Knowing when it comes up will help
you avoid bad decisionmaking and wasted effort. Hats off to Al H. Morrison
who realized that void of course moons impacted the rhythms of everyday
living and to Debbi Kempton-Smith who detailed Morrison’s work in her 1982
book, Secrets From a Stargazers Notebook .

We become more fallible during a void of course moon, which occurs every few
days or so and lasts for a few minutes to several hours. Void of course moons
occur when the moon finishes its last major aspect in a particular sign
before it moves to the next sign.

Avoid doing anything important, such as a job interview or granting someone a
loan, during a void of course moon. Void of course moons disrupt
communication. Anything we do could require some adjustment later.

example - In every presidential election from 1900 to 1972, one of the
two major party candidates was nominated when the moon was void of
course. Every one of those particular candidates lost!

Use the time of the void of course moon to
rejuvenate your spirituality. Meditate, read a book, veg out and feed
your soul. Hang up the "Gone Fishing" sign when the moon is void of
course. When the moon fully enters the next sign, get back to work!

Void Of Course Moon.

See Felissa's Void-of-Course Moon Tables for current information.

posted on Dec 7, 2008 7:36 AM ()


I'm going to take all of this into consideration as this week plays out. Maybe being prepared will make for a more successful and easier-going week. Thanks.
comment by donnamarie on Dec 8, 2008 8:58 AM ()

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