It is time for the next generals of superheroes to take over as Marvel presents this film that centers around the children of some of the Avengers most famous members such as Captain America and Black Widow, Wasp and Giant Man, Thor, Hawkeye, and Black Panther. It has been more than a decade since most of the avengers fell while fighting Ultron, a computerized supervillain that has taken over the world through his connections to tech.
Fortunately, Tony Stark (aka Iron-man) was able to flee into safety in Antarctica with most of the children. Over the years, he has shifted from being a daredevil, ladies' man into being a wonderful father-figure. He taught the kids everything they needed to know about their familial past.
When the Vision arrives with horrible news about how Ultron is coming, they are all forced to go back to the real world and take on the being that killed most of their parents because of Tony's capture. James, the son of Captain America and Black Widow, leads the group right in to the lion's den. Pym (son of the Wasp and Giant Man), Torunn (daughter of Thor), and Azari (son of Black Panther and, I am assuming, the X-Men's Storm) follow and the group of them meet up with Hawkeye (son of the original Hawkeye), who has been leading an underground group of freedom fighters. Together they unite, bringing together some of their parents' old allies and coming to terms of the responsibility they must rise to meet.
The movie turned out to be full of action and great animation. Viewers really do need to be familiar with the lore centering around Marvel's premiere team of superheroes, but fans of the comics will find real enjoyment.