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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Today's Miracle Mind ? > Donnamarie's Comments

Donnamarie's Comments

I can just imagine how cold you must feel because I'm darn cold here! This dipping into the 20's (with wind chill in the teens) is not mixing very well with me.

I guess "Twilight" is going to be a huge success, huh? There's so much frenzy over it that it's bound to be a huge moneymaker.

You take care, Martin. I'm not going to comment on anything else because I wasn't here to see or hear anything. I just knew a long time ago when everybody shifted over here that s**t was going to go on here, too. But, like with any other site and/or thing in life, we just go on with as much focus on what's important in our lives and with our friends as much as possible.
Comment on Stray Thoughts - Nov 20, 2008 7:41 AM ()
I love this and I'm sending it to all my might come in handy, you never know!
Comment on Quote for the Day ... - Nov 19, 2008 11:26 AM ()
Fantastic! The song choice was perfect! And, more important than what I think is that they were able to do what they wanted to and they're happy!
Comment on One Singular Sensation! - Nov 19, 2008 11:22 AM ()
Love those math tricks! But, I'm not telling you all the figures I used in the calculation because then you'd know my age! (Of COURSE it came out to 29 years old!)
Comment on You're Getting Old! - Nov 19, 2008 9:49 AM ()
Oh, I hope you do sing with the Gay Men's Chorus! I love to see and hear them! They are excellent! Oh, do consider auditioning/joining...yes, yes!
Comment on Straight No Chaser - 12 Days - Nov 19, 2008 8:49 AM ()
I happen to agree on many points raised...McCain, Palin, the party, etc. have the information and the intentions, but seem to be standing on less solid ground. There's a shifting going on and that shifting comes through in their inability to solidly speak with any substance, so there's a bevy of one-liners, short quips, and not really getting to the meat of the matter with any conviction and dedication to the issues surrounding the matter. Both parties can and do reach out on emotional, personal levels, but calculated, educated information and facts need to be established and built upon. As Obama and his party kept building, McCain and his party were still slipping around in sand because they never got a good footing. Those who were comfortable with that footing because that's all they needed remained comfortable with McCain...while others who needed something more could only look to other options. Although some may have ended up siding with McCain, many other joined those already in favor with Obama because the minds of the people were being addressed, as well as the hearts.

Funny, we as Americans can be awfully critical and judgemental, leaving nothing out of our public and personal opinions when we agree or attack others...yet, when "outsiders" say it the way they see it, we find it to be sharp, as you said...sometimes crude, harsh, or overly sweet, depending on the view being presented.
Comment on Ship of Fools - Nov 19, 2008 8:45 AM ()
I'm reading this as I'm listening to the weather person talking about the snow squalls happening right now on Cape Cod, which is a lot closer to me than most people think. Brrrrr!

But, hey, you look real spiffy there, Martin...yeah, I still use the word spiffy.
Comment on Cold Weather, Coffee, Conversations and a Movie - Nov 19, 2008 7:21 AM ()
That's sad, really...when something is good enough to be worthy of having a sequel made, then the sequel deserves as much attention to quality as the original, because the audience deserves that and expects it.
Comment on Madagascar: Escape to Africa--a Movie Review - Nov 19, 2008 7:17 AM ()
First, you need a ((((HUG))) or two or three. Second, you need to hear that us listeners really do care, love you, and are supportive. Third, let it be known that life's "monkey wrenches" will always be there, which can spoil the wonderful world of life that's also there but we start to see less of it because of the problems. These are the times you must stop, take breaths, collect your thoughts, and determine what you really want to do or say, and not just do and say on an impulse. Recognizing signs...little triggers...that will flare the anxiety, having you in a whirlwind, get your brain overreacting all the way to your something you can master if you stay vigilant and "catch yourself" as soon as you can, even if you're in the middle of something. Last, my dear friend, make that appointment and start seeing the therapist. Sure, it can be difficult to talk about certain things, but think of the help you can be getting with the other things. As you start realizing that help, you'll be eager to "fix" more things and you'll have grown more comfortable with the therapist...your friend in you may get to work on those issues, too. (Yes, you can help yourself and you will continue to do so, but some professional assistance is like having a personal coach.)
Comment on Thankful for Blog Friends (To Hear Me Rant) - Nov 19, 2008 7:13 AM ()
No, I just don't think so. Oh, I'm sure it's enjoyable enough, but I'm not particularly interested.
Comment on Treks Not Taken: a Parody by Steven R. Boyett - Nov 19, 2008 6:44 AM ()
Wow...yes, you make it sound good and probably because it is good! I'm putting it on the list. (I'm still waiting for my "G" by Sue Grafton to come in.)
Comment on Judge & Jury by James Patterson & Andrew Gross - Nov 19, 2008 6:37 AM ()
Heck, if everybody knew what I know, they all would have voted for you, it would have been a landslide victory, so there would be absolutely no need for a recount (except to determine the OTHER winners) because there definitely would only be a few votes for any of them.

Now we know there's this lame duck period...the election doesn't necessarily begin and end on one day.
Comment on A Recount? - Nov 19, 2008 6:22 AM ()
People do vent and with that they may say some hurtful things, whether intended or not. It's hard to think first before speaking when a person is trying to be honest about their thoughts and feelings at the time. If that's what they're honestly thinking, that's what they're writing. I think some try to be more careful...some keep their thoughts and feeling more in line with ways of understanding, kindness, forgiveness, and/or calmness. Some, I feel do not try at all. A little effort is all I ask effort to understand the real situation and not lay blame on the convenient "scapegoat" that may be available....effort to exercise some restraint in the "language and name-calling" department...effort to explain and speak in the same way one would like to hear or read an explanation...and, and effort to remember that, in spite of everything, we are all living beings with feelings and we're all in this life together. I appreciate when you acknowledge any agreement or disagreement with things I say because, while you are being honest, you are not offensive.
Comment on Sorrow over Blogs - Nov 19, 2008 5:49 AM ()
Kelli, you know that you and your daughter are in my prayers. Hope you are feeling better soon, so please keep taking care of yourself and doing what the doctor says.
Comment on My Health and Methotrexate and Prayers - Nov 19, 2008 5:29 AM ()
Well, if you come to see it, you will tell me ahead of time, won't you?
Comment on Exodus by Julie Bertagna - Nov 18, 2008 3:16 PM ()

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