Well, it turns out the election is not really over. Well, it is, but not technically. It turns out that one of the candidates in my race requested a recount because of the fact that he was only 22 votes behind the person who was just above him in the election, and she got the third available seat. He is the only incumbent that has a seat at high risk since the other two were clear winners.
To be honest, I hadn't really followed the recount that closely. I was a bit more than 300 votes behind the number three, and I doubted that there would be any major shift for me with the recount. It would be nice if I picked up 7 votes because that would shift me higher than the person above me. Being last is never fun.
They actually were supposed to do the recount yesterday, and they did do most of it. I picked up one vote, which is nice. There are actually 30-odd more votes they still have to sort out. I am not sure I understand the reasons why they still have to sort those out.
They are finalize those on Thursday. I actually feel bad for the number 3 and number 4 candidates because that means they still haven't finalized the election results. That must be really frustrating for them since it has now been two weeks since election day.