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Reluctant Hillbillie

Life & Events > Til the Cows Come Home.

Til the Cows Come Home.

Nearly every evening, for more than a few hours, my husband and I sit out in what I call the Hillbillie Sitting Area. Where you are like three feet off a main road, the garden furniture consists of a broke down old swing, a fold up chair and a plastic one with the Weber in view and a woodpile beside you. Where every passing man and his dog can see you and you them. Haha I’ve got used to it, now I don’t stare down the vehicles so much as they come towards me…you know just in case I need to leap out of the way of a wayward vehicle.

Anyway. We were ruminating [HaHa. I’m funny] on how cows know the time.

Specifically feeding time.

I wondered if they counted. Mmmoo. Five hundred and sixty million cheews…five hundred, sixty million and onnnne cheeews…five hundred, sixty million and twooo chews…AHA! Finally I’m done. Or if they went by progress. Mmmoo. Okay I started at the front of the paddock, now I’m near the back. When I mooove over to that yonder tree and go up three paces I’ll see that little FatCrankyBastid come out with a bucket of the good stuff.

As we were marvelling at the bovine ability in timekeeping a bat kept interrupting by swooping at us. The husband noticed it first, then he sat there jumping and squealing about it. While I being the more braver of the two didn’t give a shit about the bat. That is, didn’t give a shit unless it got stuck in my hair…then I may have been doing some squealing, although fat lot of good it would have done me as I reckon I would have been on my own trying to detangle the little flying bastid uh. Because the husband was acting like a big girls blouse we were never able to finish the cow conversation.

I must say I’ve had a pretty good weekend working. Nothing too drastic, my good mood even continued into this morning when I came into a dryer full of personal clothing left by the *half-price special* girl who worked last night.

I told one of the nurses it must have been her SuperNurseForcefield that deflected the plastic knife she accused me of throwing at her [she had dropped it]. I love Heather. This weekend I found it’s very easy to make her laugh. And if ever a person needs to laugh--it’s Heather. By the look of her she’s not been dealt the best hand in life. Apparently her mum is a real woman of beauty.

I even refrained exclaiming at our token lesbian [she of the snot swallowing a few posts back]…Yer bloody kidding yerself if you thought people never would have guessed. When she was [not exactly…can‘t grasp correct word] lamenting the fact that her being a lesbian is OUT in our workplace due to another one of our nurses blabbing about her.

I mean seriously. If ever I’ve pinpointed a big bull dyke it would be Jazzy. Funny that she thinks other wise. I mean, the girl oozes her sexual preference you can almost smell it on her. She’s about six foot and built like a linebacker gone to fat, talks about her partner, walks, talks and acts like a bloke and we know she has no hesitation in hawking up big mouth gollies and the pièce de résistance a Dad-in-a-love-heart tattoo on her inside forearm.

In a way I think she was relieved that “her revelation” was met with our couldn’t give a bugger attitude. Probably helps that the other person at the table has a gay son and a lesbian sister and me I’m open-minded [I like to say more cosmopolitan heh] and basically just don’t care [as long as yer a “good“ person and can make me laugh. HaHa]…But I do understand her uncertainty, especially with living around here.


Tra la la lah laah I’m off tomorrow.counter create hit

posted on Aug 17, 2008 2:31 PM ()


You need to visit us the next time the sun shines in the UK, we have some serious big bats around here, I think I named most of them lol.
comment by lynnie on Aug 20, 2008 5:21 PM ()
never a dull moment with you. you always make me laugh.
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 19, 2008 12:28 PM ()
Yeah, I have to wonder how animals keep time? Around 3:30 our cats start looking for dinner. Around 10:30, they're ready for bed. And at 4:00 in the morning, Luna knows it's time to start chewing on my hair. Hope you enjoyed your day off!
comment by mellowdee on Aug 19, 2008 11:40 AM ()
At my place of employment we don't give a hoot about sexual preference. Just do your job! One night in the ER I was the "token" straight person. We all got a few laughs that night. Have you scoped out a suitable place for your still?? (I meant to say "medicine production plant".)
comment by mzscarlett on Aug 18, 2008 11:54 AM ()
we used to have a saying at our old place. If you don't laugh you'll cry and I choose to laugh.
comment by spicybitch on Aug 18, 2008 10:40 AM ()
Without a porch life has no meaning.
comment by bumpedoff on Aug 17, 2008 11:27 PM ()
Australia's loss is our gain!!!!
comment by sunlight on Aug 17, 2008 8:53 PM ()
oh ok good...
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 17, 2008 4:54 PM ()
All your buddies are women! I guess you are cosmo!

comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 17, 2008 3:48 PM ()
YAY no work tomorrow!!! Lucky you! I will be back in hell... and there was a BAT in your HAIR??? Dear gawd I woulda lost it..
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 17, 2008 3:07 PM ()
yes indeed, you are very cosmopolitan! I almost can't wait to start working at walmart, it will give me lots of things to write about. when my ex neighbors were selling their house we were going to do something to help them. Hubby wanted to put a sign up in the front yard, white trash rednecks live here!
comment by elkhound on Aug 17, 2008 2:48 PM ()

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