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Reluctant Hillbillie

Life & Events > Dropping the Kids off at the Pool!

Dropping the Kids off at the Pool!

I dunno! It can be blowing a gale outside and the energy wasters will put the freaking dryer on, and then, THEN complain about their energy costs. They are too fucking lazy and too fucking stupid. I suspect it is more so LAZINESS…[I may have to remind these JesusJockeys that SLOTHfulness is indeed a deadly sin]…to use the friggun clothesline. And if they do happen to use it, they don’t even check to see if the clothes on the line are dry [which they would be even if I dunno when they hung them out exactly BECAUSE as I said it’s blowing a freaking gale. Instant dryness. Waahlah!] before they turn that dial on the damn dryer for the next load of clean wash.

Sometimes I really do think they do that to piss me off.

Makes no matter if I just did ALL their washing on Sunday. Which I know my mother-in-law is ALWAYS grateful for…and I think we both realise she will miss my considerable assistance once I’m gone. Gone as in moved out, not dead.

So isn’t it most fortunate that they are starting our homes foundation out on our land tomorrow…*big fat shit-happy eating grin*…haha and not a moment too soon I say. I may make it out of here, feeling not too bad about myself because I managed not to inform my in-laws how bloody annoying/draining their lack of smartness and abundance in laziness can be at times.

Anyway. Enough about them heathen-in-laws.

Today was the day of judgement in the Best Little Old People House in Kentucky.

I hate when They are going for the Title. It’s all so bloody fake. I mean the place never looks how it does on these days of judgements. Tablecloths on OUR break-room table, chair slip-covers and this time they topped off the pretence with vases of flowers. I mean c’mon now. I wouldn’t be so anti-winning if this is how it always is. But it’s not. Now if They were to win it on our “everydayness” I’d probably be more into thinking They were deserving.

As always, I’m introduced [like the treasure that I bloody AM] by the AdministratorMan as the Wonder from DownUnder!…haha okay I added the “Wonder” part…*snort, cackle*. With today’s introduction, I thought I’d ‘take the piss’. So with half folded sheet in hand, I curtsied as I said Hello to the JudgingBastids. Ha! The AdministratorMan who was behind them, giggled. Not sure if it was a nervous giggle exactly. May have been. Oh well HaHa. I can’t be thought rude uh…Heh. After a second of blankness from the two judgemental faces closest to me, they then each asked me a few things, I answered, we smiled, they left. Lovely.

Although I must say, I was hoping to be passed out on the [newly painted] concrete floor due to the excessive heat in my work area. I was picturing myself swooning gently to the ground and for added effect overturning a full laundry cart upon myself. Alas with the door closed I couldn’t hear or see them coming. So ffft that little piece of pretend protest at my working conditions became null and void.

Anyway. Enough about that heathen place and it‘s sweat-shop practices.

Have I mentioned how bloody excited [on the inside] I am. The mere thought, that soon, very soon the CrankyFatBastid and I will be blowing this gin-joint at last. Honestly some days I didn’t think it would ever happen. Even when in the far recess of my positiveness I knew it would. But I can tell yer, when one is continually having to wipe up piss droplets off the toilet seat [and it’s because of the FEMALE side of in-laws] gets old real bloody quick. How can one address it other than to say GAWDDAMMIT tighten yer piss flaps or look back and rectify yer leftovers. Fuckers.

Yeah. Don’t even get me started on when they bake and take a turd.counter create hit

posted on Aug 26, 2008 9:53 PM ()


The Wonder From Down Under... I shot coffee out my nose at that one.
comment by walkwithgrace on Sept 3, 2008 9:49 PM ()
So when the mansion is completed and you have the servents correctly in place, may I come to the open house even. I'll bring a tasteful, not tacky gift and even have it wrapped in real nice paper, not the Sunday funnies. I will be honored to host such event.
comment by mzscarlett on Aug 28, 2008 8:44 PM ()
Your last statement said it all. Gross! I'm SOOO happy for you that this will soon be a thing of the past that you can look back and laugh about -- after some intense therapy, of course.

I agree that your employer shouldn't be so phony in order to win... they should maintain those picture perfect conditions year round. I think the judges should have surprise inspections!
comment by mellowdee on Aug 28, 2008 1:38 PM ()
Oh God!! You are honestly the funniest dang person I've ever encountered. There are so many favorite lines of yours that I just savor for the right *flucker*

ps, it makes me nervous when the carpet in front of our master bath toilet is wet (and it's not from the shower) I've been known to straddle that carpet before sitting on the seat... just in case, cuz I can't deal with why it might be wet
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 27, 2008 2:30 PM ()
Even when you vent, you bring a smile to my face. You are full of it!!!!!!!!!!!!I love it."Tighten your p$$$ flaps."
comment by angiedw on Aug 27, 2008 10:47 AM ()
or you poor thang, you have my sympathy. Good luck with the move
comment by lynnie on Aug 27, 2008 8:31 AM ()

and YAY you get to leave!!!! That's freakin sweet.... Congrats!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 27, 2008 7:15 AM ()
Congrats! Good luck.
comment by spicybitch on Aug 27, 2008 7:11 AM ()

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