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Reluctant Hillbillie

Money & Finance > Today, Tomorrow and the Other Day:

Today, Tomorrow and the Other Day:

Tomorrow we go down to a local real estate agent to sign the contract for the land. Yeah the FatCrankyBastid and I are over the gleefulness of this step. This being our 6th time to sign the bastid things. But apparently it’s not far off now. Which is good. As I dunno if the level of my enjoyment at BiPolarBarry ugly-yelling head rearing is getting out of hand. Not often is it directed in my direction, even BPBarry knows he don’t wanna tangle with THIS *jabs thumb backwards and mock snarls* piece of hot and sweaty ugliness.

Todays entertainment was in the lazy step-sister-in-laws direction. And I must say, in hindsight I was the catalyst for it. I exclaimed…yes exclaimed because it did surprise me at first…“That bloody dogs water bowl is fucking GREEN!”…Then I went for me shower. Thirty minutes later she was outside scrubbing and refilling it. That’s after she stacked and started the dishwasher. And now she’s doing some washing…nevermind it’s washing that was left clean but wet in the clothes basket from two days ago, she’s still doing it. Amazing what BPBarry can get moving when he’s in/on a tirade roll.

I bloody love it.

I’ve somewhat got over the horror, disgust and then puzzlement of what these people do. How they live etc. At first, if it disgusted me enough I’d do the chore. But then I was told a conversation the lazy step-sister had with her step-sister and brother-in-law…[ Yeah there are step-people all over the place here…*crack*] where she stated “why should she do anything when it all get’s done anyway”. Then she went on to bleat about having no life etc. And here I do agree with her, but that IS up to her how much of life she wants to experience. Admittedly she is somewhat nobbled, being slightly special and all. But dammit I’ve seen way stupider people than her doing their part and getting on in life.

The Other Day I totally felt like an AmerikenWoman. Funny, I felt it on my sixth trip to the changing room in Kohls. I ended up making at least nine. Walked out I am ashamed to say one hour and FORTY-FIVE minutes later. Yeah you can imagine the FatCrankyBastid was a tad more crankier than normal. HaHa. But really I didn’t care too much.

I scored a pair of chocolate duds that you can strap up to three quarter way and a pair of black three quarter adidas pants. I must say I believe I have found I like this style. My legs are getting too old to be seen out and about in mid-thigh shorts. The three quarter length is more fitting and flattering. Now I just wish I’d splurged more and lashed out and brought more of them then, as now I reckon the husband may be a might hesitant in going anywhere near the Kohls store in the near future. Heh.counter create hit

posted on July 17, 2008 12:53 PM ()


It took me forever to find an article I hadn't responded to. What can I say except: to your escapades as a new Amerikan! I don't have any step-anythings. I wonder if that's good or bad?
comment by sunlight on Aug 22, 2008 11:57 AM ()
I scored an awesome tee shirt at Kohl's the last time I went there. It's Animal from the Muppets and it reads "Be Kind To Animals" but the "s" is scratched out. Ha.
comment by walkwithgrace on Aug 9, 2008 11:51 AM ()
Khols always has a sale paper in the local birdcage liner. They have some good stuff here in our area. One of the best things is the bench in the front of the store for husbands to wait while the shopping frenzy happens. My son used to call it the "Poor Bastard's Seat". That stuck. Now Hubby will just announce, "I'll be on the P.B.S. when you get finished". I've learned to just go without him. Send him down the way to Tractor Supply. Now there's a real day trip for him!
comment by mzscarlett on July 19, 2008 5:18 AM ()
Familys eh! You can't live with them and you can't live without them grrrrrrrrrr Hope you have a better day today
comment by lynnie on July 18, 2008 7:23 AM ()
sounds heavenly - aside from the 3 month dealio...
comment by kristilyn3 on July 18, 2008 5:49 AM ()
Kohls is great for clothes, but the fitting room always seems so dang far away,
comment by shesaidwhat on July 18, 2008 4:49 AM ()
How many folks are living with you all right now? I had to grin at your comment about stupider people getting on with life...I see most of those..and they are..
comment by elfie33 on July 18, 2008 4:25 AM ()
Kohls is awesome, I spend WAY to much there every time I go though...damn those smarmy retailers with the having stuff I want
comment by ducky on July 17, 2008 2:32 PM ()
I love kohls!!! YAY LAND DEAL!!! When do ya get to move??? I bet you guys will have the biggest celebration known to man!!! That or kick back and enjoy the silence...
comment by kristilyn3 on July 17, 2008 1:28 PM ()
I'm still waiting for the 'Skort' to make a comeback.
comment by nittineedles on July 17, 2008 1:24 PM ()

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