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Reluctant Hillbillie

Cities & Towns > Real Estate > Salvation from the Sea of Stupids is Nigh!

Salvation from the Sea of Stupids is Nigh!

As of Wednesday August 6th, the CrankyFatBastid and I became land owners!

Apparently I was the problem with it taking so long. Me being a new migrant sent out “red flags” all over the homeland security departments. Five times the normal paperwork was needed to be filled-out, checked out and then filed. So rest assured dear Americans, us legal immigrants are being noticed…Hm, okay yes, this Aussie is integrating nicely.

Roughly one acre at the front is cleared and flat with another acre or so sloping down towards the three acres of woodland. The prospect of the acreage on either side of us being purchased any time soon--practically non-existent. And if it is, the land directly adjoining ours would probably not be used for the home sites. It’s too hilly and quite heavily wooded. Across the road sits a whacking big barn, in good repair. I can’t see it being torn down to build a house on.

We are IN LOVE with it.

Funny when I think my lucky number is 5. We purchased Lot 5. Encompassing just over 5 acres.

We celebrated our good fortune [and persistence] kicked back in camping chairs scoffing into Subways while enjoying what will be our future Serenity Now! surroundings.

During this satisfied kick-back we watched a herd, or gaggle or tumult of turkeys; two mums with three babies each. They trooped down along one of the boundary lines, then they crossed single file in front of us and eventually disappeared deeper into the woods.

Life is BETTER!

Thursday we set up a few more chairs and a table and lay in wait for the in-laws. My father-in-law was not in the loop while we were negotiating for this land. Mainly because the CrankyFatBastid and I wanted to surprise him with the knowledge that we will be moving out soon. Plus I couldn’t have handled the every-day conversation being stuck on repeat for four months running. He was indeed surprised and a little bit worried about who was going to help mow his land when we move out. Ha! He should be more concerned with what he’ll be fed, once we’re gone.

Either it was a mistake or a calculated move [the place is paid for if either of us dies or becomes disabled] on my husbands part to place my chair on a disguised [because of the bush-hogged grass] downward slope. Sure enough as I plopped down hard into the low-slung chair, I had enough time to plaster a WTF smile on my dial and a ‘this is gunna hurt’ thought in my head as I fell backwards in slow motion. Luckily it was cleared of all branch and stick debris. Unluckily I had enough time to brace myself for the hit. My back is still feeling the hurt.

Supposedly, our home will start in approximately four weeks.


Hurrah!!counter create hit

Fffft...stoopid photo thingoh not working for me.

posted on Aug 9, 2008 1:01 PM ()


Cool indeed. And when will my mobile home be parked in the middle of this piece of faraway heaven, dear?
comment by walkwithgrace on Sept 3, 2008 9:44 PM ()
Way to go! I'm sure you'll love it. Sounds heavenly!
comment by catdancer on Aug 26, 2008 6:44 PM ()
Huge congrats! That's very exciting news! I'm sure you're counting down the days until you can move out (not like you haven't been already...)
comment by mellowdee on Aug 13, 2008 8:35 PM ()
Congrats hun..that is terrific news. Do we get to see pics of all this??
comment by elfie33 on Aug 12, 2008 1:25 PM ()
I read about half of this when it hit me. This is a major event in your life!! What a lovely event! Getting your own place... and such a beautiful place it is! And, you are so ecstatically happy with it! It thrilled me to read this! Congratulations!!!!
comment by sunlight on Aug 11, 2008 6:17 PM ()
Congrats to you. I told you that good things were in the air.
comment by spicybitch on Aug 11, 2008 6:52 AM ()

That is the best news! Congrats friend.
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 10, 2008 6:54 AM ()
Holy 5-five-acre-heaven Batman!!! Really happy for you luv! It sounds nice enough to call "HOME" - praise be to all the angels & saints
comment by blogsterella on Aug 10, 2008 5:45 AM ()
Wjat glad tidings! I know you're going to love it there. Now get something safer to sit upon! Best wishes!
comment by thestephymore on Aug 10, 2008 12:16 AM ()
Congratulations! Now you are not just a "Hillbilly", but you own the hill! I'm glad for you and CFB. Like my Daddy used to say, "Buy land. They just aren't making it anymore." Can't wait to see the finished product. You will be such an Aussie Martha Stewart. *snort, cackle, hoot*
comment by mzscarlett on Aug 9, 2008 5:14 PM ()
Pictures! We want to see pictures and hear a blow by blow account of the building process. Just rest your back on that cloud nine.
comment by nittineedles on Aug 9, 2008 1:08 PM ()

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