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Life As I See It

Life & Events > The Tapestry of Life

The Tapestry of Life

We cannot see beyond the moment in which we are living. Not even those who are "psychic". We can only guess at what is next. We use the laws of probability to come up with the most likely scenario. But we cannot know what is next. Not beyond this exact moment.

Think about it. How many times have you heard predictions of what is to come? Sometimes those predictions are accurate, sometimes not. They are what we call educated guesses; again, using the laws of probability to guess at what is yet to be. I remember it well. The year was 2005. 2004 had been a year of increased hurricane activity in the United States. 2005 was shaping up the same way. The meteorologists started saying "we can see that we are in the early stages of a 20 year pattern of greatly increased hurricane activity." I thought to myself "well if you can *see* that, then why didn't you start warning people a year or two ago?" And then, of course, the increased hurricane activity of 2004 and 2005 were it. That was a mighty short "20 year pattern." They don't know. We don't know. Educated guesses is all it is. The buzz words of the meteorologic community for a few years were all about "el nino" and "la nina" weather patterns. I haven't heard those terms in a long time now. And tell me, which is it? Is a harsh winter the harbinger of a harsh summer? Or is it the summer weather that becomes our winter omen? I digress.

I chuckle to myself when I hear people talk about things like: what their horoscope says about today, this week or even this year or about what the tarot cards showed or what the psychic told them. Seriously? What are the first things the psychic asks? What is your name? What is your date of birth? Other "basic" information about you. If the person is truly psychic, why do they have to ask? They should "know" that information if they are as good as they say. And yet many base their lives on these predictions. Me? I love to read my horoscope, but only for the humor factor.

The my humble that we orchestrate our lives, so we become what we believe. If the "predictions" we read or hear are of negative events, and we believe these things to be true, then we lead our lives down that road. "That which we fear is that which we attract." We are perplexed by what happens in our life. We wonder why we have experiences we do not really want. The Law of Attraction is at work. We attract what we are, and we attract who we are. If we are ‘reactors’ we will attract people and situations that trigger our reactions. If we see ourselves as victims we will attract people and situations that seem to victimize us. If we refuse to take responsibility for our actions we will find someone or something to blame. If we do not accept ourselves we will have relationships in which we experience rejection. If we do not manage our economy we will find plenty of occasions to spend more than is prudent. Why is it that an abused child tends to end up in an abusive relationship as an adult? And why, when they hated what was done to them as a child, why do they do these same things to their own children? Why, as so many of us have experienced, does it seem that there are people out there that can fall into a puddle of shit, and still come out smelling like a rose? There are so many who do not realize that a lot of the maladies of their lives are of their own doing. I am a firm believer in the Power of Positive Thinking....and the Power of Negative Thinking! If you're interested, read the book "The Power of the Subconscious Mind".

We are all threads in the tapestry of life. Every thread, every stitch, is necessary. Is there a divine purpose? Who am I to say? Personally, I believe there is, but I also accept those who do not believe in Divine Providence. I subscribe to the thought that "I would rather live my life as if there is a God, only to die and find out there isn't, than to live my life as if there is no God, only to die and find out there is."

The bottom line here is that no matter where you are in your life, you are important. You matter! You are a vital thread in this tapestry of life!

posted on May 12, 2012 7:28 AM ()


20ll has been a bitter year for me and the illness in my family was not
brought on by negative thinking.
comment by elderjane on May 20, 2012 1:20 PM ()
Oh I definitely agree that not all things are brought on by negative thinking....but a vast majority of it is. I hope 2012 is a much better, happier and healthier year for you and yours!
reply by dakmom on May 21, 2012 3:05 PM ()

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