Bobby Depp


Bobby Depp
Calgary, AB
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Life & Events > Sweat Cleanses from the Inside

Sweat Cleanses from the Inside

Dragged the family to the zoo tonight so I could listen to a short talk by this man. He ran 250 marathons in a year, a few of them actual races (including Boston), many of them on the river pathways in the city and his own town, also around the soccer fields of several city schools, where the kids would run with him at recess and lunch. He also did one run around the zoo's grounds - not telling anyone what he was doing. LOL! I think he said that 9 times around the zoo was a marathon.

The past year or two I've been living by the motto "do one thing a day that scares you." While I don't do a scary thing everyday, today was the day - going up to talk to him (not naming names so this blog doesn't come up when his name is googled). I was nearly first in line to get a magazine signed - I'm not missing a chance like that. He's a local celebrity.

The tickets to see the talk were free, and since it was at the zoo, I brought the other 3 along. The zoo is EXPENSIVE! It would have cost $72 for the 4 of us if we paid to get in! YIKES! We got there a few hours early, and had a nice time exploring the nearly empty zoo.

I love this quote:

Sweat cleanses from the inside.
It comes from places a shower will never reach.
George Sheehan

posted on May 6, 2011 9:50 PM ()


Congrats on getting to meet someone you find inspirational, and I'm glad he turned out to be nice. Not all people who go around doing speaking engagements are all that engaging up close.
comment by troutbend on May 8, 2011 2:01 PM ()
He was a very good speaker, and talked a lot about both the 250 marathons, that he had a doctor`s support, why he did them, and about his other accomplishments.
reply by crazylife on May 12, 2011 7:56 PM ()
I'm tired just reading about one run around the zoo! Yes, the prices for public zoos, museums, etc. are getting far out of reach of the kids who should be seeing these things!
comment by greatmartin on May 7, 2011 8:34 AM ()
The prices are crazy. We tried to go to the Vancouver Aquarium last summer, but quickly forgot that idea when I check out the price - $50 per person. The city`s Science Centre is also crazy expensive.
reply by crazylife on May 12, 2011 7:58 PM ()
I can't imagine running that many marathons in a year. Impossible, I'm thinking. They say it takes a week to recover from one. I'm sure it was motivational. Don't forgot that running is supposed to be fun. Read "Born to Run". Can't remember the author--new book.
comment by solitaire on May 7, 2011 5:39 AM ()
I put a hold on Born to Run at the library. Thanks.
His doctor climbed the 7 peaks (including Everest), so he had good support. He said it several times that how he managed it was to slow down. His runs took 4-6 hours, running 9 minutes, walking 1, rather than doing them in 3:20. He was also injured, and walked a few of them. He`s also done the extreme runs - 50k to 100 miles - running for 36 hours straight.
And he`s 55.
reply by crazylife on May 12, 2011 8:04 PM ()

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