Bobby Depp


Bobby Depp
Calgary, AB
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Life & Events > Games People Play

Games People Play

First off, it's 7 days until the kids go back to school. I hope it goes fast.

Games are supposed to be fun, right? Not the kind of games I have to deal with.

I just spend a nice/rotten night at the cabin with my children. DH took them out on Saturday night, and I came out on Sunday afternoon and he went home and the kids and I stayed one night (which allows animals at home to be cared for). The last time I went to the cabin, I was pissed as soon as I walked in the door. Their stuff was EVERYWHERE. DD's toiletry kit is sitting in the middle of the living room floor. Everyone is just stepping around it. Even though they are sleeping in the "little" cabin, their clothing bags are also laying on the living room floor, unzipped, stuff falling out of it. WTF? They are not allowed to do crap like that at home, but somehow, anything goes at the cabin?? I didn't say a word - not my problem. And DH ALWAYS forgets something there - he forgot the kid's computer that weekend.

So this one night with the kids was kind of nice. Except that when I arrived I had to round up all their crap which was spread across the big and little cabins. DH's toiletry kit was sitting on a side table and DD's hair looked like a rat's nest. WTF?? What the hell kind of game is that? Leaving stuff in stupid places and DD's hair has been an issue since she was born. DH left after supper (with his kit that he had to search for), and the kids and I went to the beach and we all ended up swimming (it's a freaking cold lake). We had some quiet time, a night time snack, then went for a night walk with flashlights and glowsticks. It was great - we saw bats, and the glowsticks looked cool in the dark when you swing them and throw them around. We slept in my tent for the night. I had a terrible sleep because I forgot that DD won't sleep on the thick mattress pads they have there, which I was counting on using. I ended up on one thin uncomfortable pad. In the morning, the kids were both nasty. DS wouldn't eat breakfast and got into a snot. The rest of the day was so-so with the kids. I had to warn them repeatedly to stop the crap. I very carefully packed up all our stuff so nothing would be left behind. And I wasted a lot of money on double scoop ice cream cones from a locally famous shop that they both insisted on getting - and then couldn't eat. GRRR! Then tonight at bedtime, big crisis - DD can't find the stuffed animal she always sleeps with. I saw it this morning with her in the tent, but it wasn't there when I packed up. DH phones the cabin, the freaking animal IS BEHIND THE COUCH!! DD is freaking out. This is just another of their games - that DH teaches them - put your stuff in stupid places and then get all upset when you can't find it. GRRRRRrrr!!!!

And then there is the good kid/bad kid game. If one kid is being bad, then the other is an angel. And they switch. Sometimes in seconds. Like they planned it together. Okay, your turn to be bad!

And even more games at work. I feel like I'm on one of those reality shows where there are secret alliances and people who act like your friend, but are going at you behind your back... seriously. It's that bad at times. One person left after a disiplinary meeting (good, she was the one who harassed me about religion), and the person who was instructed by the boss to tell us about it made up some story about how "C" was bullied by her. "C" and I get along well, so I asked her about the bullying thing (which I thought was strange), and she was SHOCKED. There was no "bullying". It was totally made up. I'm having issues now with this person - I do not do anything/believe anything she tells me without confirmation from someone else. She left me a garbled note about doing something... not completely sure what, saying she talked to the director about this, so do this because I said so. Yeah right. I don't take orders from someone who has worked here 6 months. If the director wants something, she can tell me directly (which I'm going to have to tell the director at some point - I don't trust this other person - she did that to me once before and I'm not stupid enough to fall for the same game twice.)

We had a 2 hour staff meeting tonight, which did clear up some things. Like what the game playing employee from the previous paragraph told us was untrue. Barely a peep from Ms. Game Player the whole meeting - although she was showing a disguisting amount of sun-damaged cleavage. :P Gross.

I am just so sick of my children and the drama at work.

posted on Aug 29, 2011 9:41 PM ()


In 1972 I went through TA therapy which is based on a book by Eric Berne called "Games People Play"--the world hasn't changed in 39 years!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 30, 2011 8:23 AM ()
Always has been, always will be game playing. Just games are more nasty than others.
reply by crazylife on Sept 1, 2011 8:00 AM ()
Goodness gracious! No wonder you want and need to get out and run. This all has to be very stressful for you. I'm truly sorry. I'm counting my blessings that my 4 kids were great and easy (for the most part). Hang in there.
comment by solitaire on Aug 30, 2011 4:57 AM ()
Stress, stress and more stress. More being heaped on me as I type.
reply by crazylife on Sept 1, 2011 7:58 AM ()
Once you see that it's games, you're more than half way to overcoming the insanity because it shows you are stepping back and not getting sucked in. Still irritating, though.
comment by troutbend on Aug 29, 2011 9:47 PM ()
Yup, I refuse to play the kid's games. Like getting upset that they are only allowed to have breakfast foods at breakfast. There's toast, eggs, yogurt, and several types of cereal - if you "hate" all of those, tough. Don't eat. Not My Problem. Rumours at work? Not my problem. I'll only believe what I hear directly from a boss (and ignore the game players).
reply by crazylife on Aug 29, 2011 10:50 PM ()

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