Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > What Do You Really Think

What Do You Really Think

Maybe it's time to write this. It's not a "moral" question for me, it's basically a blog to make "you" wonder what "you" think.

Elections are coming. Hell, it's so close.. "It's kinda like when your wife (or significant other) gets close to her "period". Now you know she will be a "major bioutch". How do you treat her. Personally, I would have "symphathy", but never blindly. If my babe is being a "Bioutch" I'll say.. If I am being an "ASS", I will finally admit.

That's "Domestic"... But, I want to talk about "real life here"..

Who are you "voting for" (I wonder) and I want to know why>?

Are you voting "Republican" because you work at the "Shell gas station"... and the owners support them? Do you "really" know what they support>? I wonder if I asked you some questions, if you could answer.?

None of that is important here really... what is however is this (because I was leading into a thought)...

How many of you (reading this) can honestly say why?... you are really voting for a particular person. Could I ask you questions, and you answer? Are you a "sheep" led by "YOUR" masses, and follow along because your mentors say so.

Voting is a simple thing really. One can say "Obama", one can say "McCain".. either way you go... you got "supporters" But are the supporters the ones "you want and feel"? Or they the ones that you work with and followed along.

I am not trying to say how to vote here. If you "followed along", you'd see I wanted to see (basically) how many really follow their heart!?

Would you go to "jail" for beliefs.. will you always say what you feel right? I always will,,, and have,,, lol.

I'm just saying,, the "Election is close", follow your heart.. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR HEART,, follow (you), but be informed. I believe "Obama" best for the average (low-middle class ).. McCain for rich... but hey, look into it.. for YOU!


posted on Nov 2, 2008 10:46 PM ()


The point of the blog was "for people to know what they are voting for". I am voting Obama..I can't say he's "the greatest", I can't say there won't be "race problems". I do however feel he is the best choice now.

I am one of those types, that has "perverted" thoughts at times. Now, I sure would like seeing "Palin" (rather then) Biden on my TV set. But I know.. Biden and Obama, will be better in office. Actually... I like "Biden alot"! Not in a "fag way".. but in a leadership way. I really want him President someday...

But "Alas'.. soon all this "politic" talk will be over... we can all go back to being friends
comment by coincutter on Nov 3, 2008 7:16 PM ()
First I'll start out by saying that I have voted in every single Presidential election since I was able to vote, I feel that if I
don't vote I've got no right to complain about the results. Also
I served 6 years in the Army, so I believe that I have a good sense
of what that freedom(to vote)is worth. I will be voting for Obama, do
I believe he is better then John McCain?? I don't think anyone can be
100% sure of that, but for me right now I feel Obabma is the better choice.
comment by redwolftimes on Nov 3, 2008 11:50 AM ()
I am voting for Obama, and I can answer just about any question you could ask about either candidate on any issue. I have studied and studied both and their stand on all the issues. I hope others have done the same.
comment by redimpala on Nov 3, 2008 4:38 AM ()
me too,Obama
comment by firststarisee on Nov 3, 2008 4:20 AM ()

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