Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > MILF


Palin with gun

MILF... yep that's what "Sarah Palin" is.. she's a milf....

Never heard of the term "MILF"? Your probably a "kiddie" if you haven't. It means "Mom I'd like to fuck".. most every guy knows that...

Hell, I'd do her in a "heartbeat".. Actually I'd like a 3-some with me, her and that hottie "Tina Fey" (from Saturday night live). Hell they look like twins...

Back to the subject..

It doesn't really matter if your "turned on", or "turned off" by Sarah Palin. John McCain picked her (obvious cause she's young 'er' and hot)..

Do you really want "Her" running the country, if McCain has a heart attack or something (remember, he is older then petrafied dogshit)? Think about it! .... She's the youngling with nice "titties" (who you fantasized about in High school).. Yeah you may like looking at her, but you probably don't want her "controlling" you.

Presidents, and Vice Presidents DO control you! Whether you see it or not. Don't vote this "naieve bioutch" in office. Don't vote for the "dumb ass" republicans..They are honestly for the "rich", not the poor or average (middle class) peeps..

The pic of "Palin" above shows her with a "gun".. hey I like guns (big supporter of gun rights), always have... but I am not "for show", and I know how to use mine in a "right or wrong" situation.. I'd sure use more "discretion" before I "attacked" any country, or showed strength before "ALL" other options are exhausted..

To me.. I don't know how "Palin" would actually be in any circumstance. Some things she says I like, alot I don't. I definetely hate some of her views (Love her views on Isreal tho). I just don't feel she has the "experience" to run this country.

Don't vote for her... the poses with "guns", the reason she was picked.. all that was to "get in touch with peeps".. everything was to "snow people".. neither is truely qualified...

Takez care,

posted on Oct 10, 2008 2:43 PM ()


I guess Bill Clinton was all us ladies got for eye candy hey?
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 14, 2008 1:51 PM ()
Yeah Sarah Palin may lack expierence in the foriegn policy areana, but then again I don't see where Barack Obama has a wealth of knowledge in that field either. Yes, John McCain is 72, and Joe Biden will be 66 in November. I believe in November it will be a crapshoot, and I think it will come down to who you will more comfortable putting your faith in to lead this country.
comment by redwolftimes on Oct 11, 2008 9:44 AM ()
They are pushing sex appeal with her...she is hot and young..
She is dumber then a box of hair..
Dems all the wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
comment by sybilmariee on Oct 11, 2008 5:29 AM ()
Thanks for defining MILF. I would have gave a reference to American Pie or The Howard Stern show. They both gave mention to the definition. Sarah Palin is a MILF and yes Gary a three way with her and Tina Fey would be awesome except that there's that you factor. In your place put someone like, say me, to fill that male void. OOOOOH YEEEEEEAH!!!(To quote the Macho Man Randy Savage.)
comment by draco on Oct 10, 2008 3:53 PM ()
You are a MILF! That a "huge compliment" coming from me.. I never say that "lightly".. (good from him too)

You don't know who "Sarah Palin is"? .. she's the possible "future" Vice President of the USA. That is if the "Republican fluccks" get their way.. If McCain is voted in.. and he like dies (he's old as dirt) she becomes President of USA. I don't think they will win.. but is still a possibility. Republicans here are for the "RICH" let nobody fool ya..

So sorry.. I intended to blog about "you" but got sidetracked. The problem could be that I "drink enormous amounts" of beer. Anyway.. shoot me (email) a few naked pics.. maybe.. maybe, if you put some "normal" pics on your profile, I'll learn more about you (others too). As they say.., a picture is worth a thousand words...

comment by coincutter on Oct 10, 2008 3:27 PM ()
First of all, I'm disappointed because I thought you were going to blog about ME!I don't know who Sarah Palin is because I don't keep up with American politics, but she is a hottie.And lastly, one of the first compliments Don (turftoe331) paid me was MILF. He still calls me a MILF. And I still .
comment by janetk on Oct 10, 2008 3:08 PM ()

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