Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Paul Stanley

Paul Stanley

Dammit... I am "pissed" right now!! Let me explain....

I decided to check out what "Paul Stanley" (Lead singer of KISS) was doing nowadays.... I been into "Kiss" since a young child. I seen them in concert dozens of times. I remember.. (as a kid) all of us "kids", playing air guitar, air drums, even kissing "air babes" in a basement.. in middle school even...

I bought EVERY albumn (yep, I am that old, was albums then) they produced.

Gene Simmons is doing well. Reality show he has, plus he is a marketing genius/asshole (depends on how you look at it). Peter, and Ace did some things.. but never managed to stay in the "forefront". Honestly, I love some things "both did" after KISS (Ace and Peter).. But nothing was spectacular..

So I was looking on the "WEB" to see what "Paul Stanley" has been up too. ART.. Well, being an artist myself, I wanted to check it out..

PAUL.. I have NEVER seen more crappy art in my life. Chit, Picasso was better then you! Do you "Honestly think" a (real person).. will stand back.. look at your (so called) "art" and see some kinda vision? Dude, it's fucking crap! You need to stick to what your good at!

Paul?!! I love ya to death.. BUT!! I am around "real" artists constant.. your not one,.. lol.

Not saying I "KNOW" everything.. this just an opinion...
If you want to see "Paul's" art, go to:

Here is a sample picture..

I just think Paul (In case you happen to read this).. Art is not your skill. I know many artists want to branch out (which is cool), but I can "guarentee" nobody will buy your "art" for any other reason then your "NAME" on it. If "Joe blow" on the street did the same "ART",, would sell nothing... Yours will sell.., not because it's "good" (it's not) because of who you are.

Don't compromise you... go back to what you do best!!!

Still Luv ya tho :)

posted on Oct 10, 2008 1:16 AM ()


I think we all worshipped KISS. When I was seven, my cousins and I had our faces made up to look like KISS. We drew names because we all argued who was going to be The Demon. I won. Plus no one wanted to be the cat.
comment by draco on Oct 10, 2008 3:49 PM ()
Well opinions are like belly buttons..everybody has oneI think he's probably rich enough at this point in his life to not really care what people think of his artworkYou don't like what??Don't buy any of it, I am ure he has plenty of people buying it..whether it's "crappy" or not.
comment by redwolftimes on Oct 10, 2008 9:34 AM ()
I'm totally going to check out your link.This post gave me the's so true!I am a huge fan of KISS. My daughter's middle name is Jean (it was supposed to be spelled "Gene" but my ex thought she should have something girly) because I found out I was pregnant with her the same day I went to a KISS concert.I'm hot for the demon, but can't really stand the "real" Gene Simmons or his reality show. He is a marketing genius and a**hole.Great post!
comment by janetk on Oct 10, 2008 8:00 AM ()
i love kisses music to. my favoite song is still beth but i like al there music before they took their makeup off. just seemed to me that once they took there makeup off they went down hill. you must be old you know i never got to listen to them till the cd's came out. i am just a young pup. lol
comment by butterfly1969 on Oct 10, 2008 7:40 AM ()

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