well, I must admit this is a very friendly user site!! I like it!! Hope you guys are all doing well and staying dry and warm. Will trying to read some of the post now. Have a great Wednesday all.
posted on Feb 13, 2008 8:17 AM ()
I'm still in school Cindy, thanks for asking. I'm taking just clinical math right now. I go into the nursing pool after I take the prenursing exam and hopefully get accepted.
Welcome Cindy! "Emembah" me?
And now, there is a mybloggers Diner.
Yes! Hiya Cindy welcome to blogster!!!!
sure, eddie how about communications director? don't think I promised that to any of my cron....I mean hardworking friends who are only interested in good gub'ment
reguards yer depending on how much Monopoly money, subway stamps, Chucky Cheese tokens, cents off coupons, and "free Coke" bottle caps you can contribute pal bugg
hey this is cool.....almost all my campaign staff and future cabinet is here. we ort to rack up some "super delegates" now!!
reguards yer soon to be commander in chief pal bugg
HEY.. I get it now.
Is this my buddy cindylou? It's Deb,aka teacherwoman!
I hope this is my running mate/campaign organizer/chief of staff
reguards yer hoping pal bugg
Tis wonderful to have you here!
welcome to mybloggers.Fredo here.
HI Cindy!! Never thought I'd see the day when so many blogsterville citizens were moving