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Southern Sands

Religion > The After Life ...

The After Life ...

Very interesting post. Please take the time to read.

smoochies.Living on earth in spirit and preparing to depart this world soon, the messenger will take your messages to dearly departed friends and relatives into the afterlife with him.
What this website is about... As my husband lay in his bed with the death sentence of being diagnosed with a terminal lung disease he called on God for answers about what to do with whatever time he may have left on this earth. This website is dedicated to sharing the answer God gave him and the things he needs to do to help himself and others. Please read his story andcontact him with your messages, prayers and donations. Please tell your friends as well. Ken's goal is to have a million hits on the site before he dies. If you are so inclined could you add a link from your website to this one. Sharon Aaron

I believe we all go to the same place when we die. Since I strongly believe this to be true I am willing to follow the direction given to me by God and carry your messages with me to the other side when I die.

Have you wanted to get in a last word with a friend or loved one who has passed on? Wasn't there one more thing you needed to say or ask? I will read and respond to every message you want to transmit to that loved one (or anyone) and carry that message to the other side with me when I die in exchange for your consideration of a financial gift from this side.

Why am I doing this? I had an overwhelming desire to spend the remainder of my life doing something that would help others. I also want to go out of this life without owing anyone - in other words, ending on a clean slate. When I asked God what to do with my life now that I am not able to get out, God told me I should collect messages from people to take with me when I die. When I die I will spend eternity seeking out those who have passed on with the messages I am carrying from the living...

On the create message page of this website please fill out the form to transmit your message electronically limiting it to 570 characters. You may also mail your message in a letter. If you would like to send a financial gift please mail a check to that address. I am able to take financial gifts by credit card on my shopping cart area. Please go there to provide a gift by credit card.

Please visit my blog page to learn more about my current condition.

I was asked about the picture above with all the oxygen tanks. I am currently on 15 liters of oxygen. This means a home concentrator won't handle it without the addition of tank oxygen. These big 2000 liter tanks are delivered weekly and line the front porch of our home - so in addition to the home concentrator plugged into an outlet inside the house I use 5 of the larger size tanks, at least two of the midsize tanks and however many of the smaller tanks on the cart, which last less than 1/2 hour, when I walk or go outside into the yard, or take the frequent trips to the doctor's office.There is no way to guarantee anything about this process. The idea may or may not have merit - but I truly feel it is a direction given to me by God. Currently I am not registered as a charitable organization; therefore any gifts given are not tax deductable. Please Stop Smoking Today!! Life is too short and precious to waste on cigarettes, chew, or breathing second-hand smoke. Don't make the mistake I made of thinking Cancer and even worse fates will only come to others. If there was one thing I could go back and change in my life, I would never have started smoking. As it is, I am the reason for my own demise.

There are many ways to stop smoking. I am compiling suggestions (please share yours) and resources that will lead to various helps to stop smoking, but the best way is to simply realize you will live longer, and have a better, cleaner, healthier, and happier life without the addiction to nicotine. You decide

posted on June 2, 2009 3:08 PM ()

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