Friday was a busier than usual day. Lynell was coming up from on the train from New Orleans, I was having lunch with a female K-9 cop that I hadn't seen in about a year, the kids were driving over to fly out the next day to visit the mother in law in Chicago..... plus I had an appointment with the "foot doctor" for my planter faci -t- is.
At 3:00 pm I was in his office and he said,
" well, your foot is so small, these soft casts won't help at all, so we will put you in a hard cast."
I had it on less than an hour before I was in the bathtub, trying to wet that sucker and get it off... no luck.
My poor leg began to have a horrible panic attack. I jumped in the truck and drove to the ER, and waited to have it removed.
"No, I don't want drugs, no, my foot isn't broken, I just need this thing off!"
An hour and a half later, I was free to go.
I'll stick with taking Advil and using ice and elevation. No more cast!!!