i better have a couple of them to. oh what the heck throw one in for kara to. lol
you enjoy your thanksgiving with your family. are you dreaming about turkeys yet. lol have a great day.
good job, you and kota.
have a great evening with all the kids there.
ok so write another blog so we can see these pups.
i agree grump. i may slip a bad word in my blogs once in awhile, but i really have to be pissed off at the time i am writing it.
that reminds me. i came home from work the other day and lloyd told me the school had called and matt had cut his finger in shop class. i asked if it was bad did he need stitches or what. he said they didn't know he had a bandaid on it. he said they just had to call to let us know. so he came home and i told him to take the bandaid off and let me see it. it looked like a paper cut and about that deep. they had me freaked over that. but i suppose it was bleeding so they had to call. but you would think they would have been smart enough to have him take off the bandaid before they called.
ya we almost had to break into the vegas fund last week. but we managed to squeek threw somehow. i know things are tight right now with lloyd just working a straight 40 hour week (no overtime) and me not having a paycheck for the last 3-4 weeks. thank goodness i get my first paycheck from the new job on thursday.
you sound like me in the morning. i go after my cig. and them my cappichino. if i don't get both of them everybody better watch out cause its not going to be a good morning. lol
sebastian, you keep that daddy of yours on his toes. if he gives you any trouble let auntie dawn know and i will get after him. love ya and hope to see you soon auntie butterfly
you may only be a cashier and i may only be a housekeeper. but our jobs are what we put into them. when you get that thanks or that smile. you know that you made somebodies day. that makes our jobs worth it. i ajm glad you got a good eval. keep up the good work and enjoy the job you do. butterfly
i like the beer one. coin came to mind for some reason. lol
i am glad you are all feeling more relaxed. as for the x-mas carols i like them to but i do think they could at least wait to play them till after thanksgiving. have a great day and night.
OMG, so true beej. but you know if they ever did pick up after themselves we would probably have a heart attack and die. lol so maybe they are just looking out for us. hehehehe
i no i wasnt smiling in most of the pic but that day was a bad day but it had nothing to do with my moms wedding and yes the boys are so cute and i love them to death i love you mommy <3