we all new you were great now it is official. have fun with that new baby. they are alot of fun.
i think it is the night to blog about ex's. i just blogged about mine to. butter
i have an idea y don't we all just get along. you know that is y alot of us moved from blogster
hope you have a great time butter
i'm going to try batteries this time. seems like everything takes batteries.
your right mary. i lived a bad life for 16 years and thought that was the way life was supposed to be. its not, i divorced lived on my own for 4 years and thing were pretty good. proved everybody wrong. i could make it on my own and didn't have to be controlled by anybody. now days i am happy most days and i control my life. well ok the 5 month old twins control it. lol
that is funny i made chicken, potatoes, and green beans saturday night. hope yours was as good as ours. but our desert was rice krispie bars. butterfly
you are right things could be much worse. god gives us what we need. i was off for 3 weeks to. i was lucky and got another job 4 days ago. i thank god for that. i still don't know how we are going to do christmas. but we will get threw. gas has gone down just about 2.00 in a month. so that is a god send. it is 1.99 in eastern SD right now.
i would like a big bowl of chili. but the way my husband makes it, it will set you on fire it is so hot. i ate a bite the first time he made it and never will again. lol
you know i am only 10 mins off I-90 give me a call next time you come threw. love ya butter
you are not very nice to send it this way. you can keep it.
i'm going to have double the trouble here in a couple months.