you are much the same way i am. coincutter has told me many times i just have to relax and not worry so much. well that is easier said then done. butterfly
very sad
i know you are a great cook. you cooked most of the meals when we were out there. your site looks great. have a great night.butter
well butterfly land hasn't been to good this week either. but i will explain all that in my blog. just hope you get feeling better. butterfly
very cute little guy. i think i have seen him somewhere before.
hey we need one of them. mine is not big enough it always seems to be lost. butter
lloyd wants to cut my hair to. it goes to about the middle of my back. no way i have been growing it for a long time to get it this long.
divorces are hard i missed my mother in law for a long time. christmas is hard on the kids to. trying to get it scheduled so the kids get to go everywhere. i think my kids have 5 places to go this year. thank goodness they are not all on the same day. but it all works out. butter
oh yes i was talking to my friend the other day and her and the kids were put decorations. not me about 2 weeks before christmas and it come down the day after. yes i am a scrooge.
if we would park ilegally we would be ticketed in a heart beat.
oh that chicken looks delicious. anybody willing to bring me some.
lol thats was funny but the poor dog.
at least mine are real.
i heard that you even had part of the pooh clan at your house. he was sure a cute little guy. butter