i'm not sure how this one is going to go. it is pretty close right now. miss talking to you. we will catch up with each other someday i hope. butter
hope you do well at the show tomorrow.butter
i do that to i lay in bed and think of poems to write but forget them by morning. lol
i like charlie brown and snoopy to
i like the name stormy. i like different names to. when we name kara you very seldom heard that name. glad you have some days off with kota. enjoy halloween with him.
your right the most important thing is working as a team taking care of the elderly and being there for them. you are great at your job. butterfly
gary i know it is hard to tell how far you should or shouldn't go. lloyd and i are in the same situation. i don't think he really knows either how far to go with my kids. i am the same as roxanne though sometimes i think he goes to far and other times i would like more help. guess it depends on the situation. sorry i was no help. just do your best that you can do. i know that 13 and 16 are a hard age though. they want to explore but how far do you let them go. love you all butter
them are 2 handsome men you have in your life.
i don't think so i just did it with lloyd and i. it don't look like either of the twins. lol
i am going to say taking photos. getting them developed and sized. butter
hang in for today. i sure wish walmart would call me. or somebody would i am going crazy sitting home. i have alot of apps in but no call backs yet.
i have to give you alot of credit for just putting up with 13 year olds. that is a hard age. butter
dam cell phones anyway. lol
twinkies and fries sounds like a great bedtime snack.