But I figured I could go ahead and post the first batch, you know? Even though Don had already posted a video of Friday night (if you think *I* was the more wasted of the two, think again! Don stopped making any kind of sense whatsoever a few minutes after that and when he's drunk and incoherent, he's also LOUD! So he was shouting about Pepsi and Coke and breastmilk and lesbians...oh what a time we had!) and everyone knows that a video is better than still shots. So, I started my post.
Got about halfway through it, with some pics of the kids with Don and my ever witty commentary when CRASH! There went not only my Internet connection (can someone *please* figure out how to get high speed Interslice for this area? I'm pretty sure we're the last place on Earth without it) but my computer, too. I lost it all. The baby's nap was nearly finished, I had shit to do and I was out of coffee.
I was going to give up until I did some cleaning today and listened to one of my favorite CDs. Yes, Ani Difranco again. Stop complaining. You know you secretly love her as much as I do. Anyway, the song "Imperfectly" cam eon over the speakers and I knew I had to re-post the pictures. Just a little differently.
Here we go...

This is what happens when Don gets drunk, has a cough and starts taking pictures of himself. I'm pretty sure this was right before he started talking about lesbians. *wink*

This is Don yielding the special comb used for dreading hair. Yes, it was very frightening to be on the receiving end.

Kate holding Don's hand and "helping" him. She loves her Donny. And no, he hadn't wet himself. He had just given the baby a bath in the sink a few minutes earlier.

My two favorite boys.

*And now for the Ani*

"when you're pretty as a picture, they pound down your door. but i've been offered love in two dimensions before. and i know that it's not all that it's made out to be. let's show them all how it's done. let's do it all imperfectly."

It was a blissful weekend. Thanks for sharing it with us.