i'm glad he likes it. now maybe you can give me some ideas for all my kids. the twins are going to be easy, but what to buy for a 9,16,18, and 20 year old. that the fun part.
i will take 80's during the day and 50's at night our high the last few days has been in the 50's during the day. i hate it already.
i'm not sure i have any passion right now either. everything make me fly off the handle. everybody in the house has pretty much spaced themselves from me. i guess if i were them i would to. butter
i hope your sister feels better soon.
you and annie are both right today does suck. it is cold and damp here to. i am in know way ready for winter. i hate the cold. maybe i should turn into a bird and go south for the winter.
i'm glad you guys had a good time. i'm like you though i would sit in the car to, i hate the cold. butter
i will make this short i would hate to interupt your cleaning mood. when your done come work on mine. lol butter
sometimes you do have to kiss some ass to get what you want. but there is also just so much ass kissing you can do to. before you say the hell with it all. butter
i hope pepper goes to a very loving home. and whoever his new owner is enjoys him very much. butter
i am glad you are back to blogging. we have missed you butter
very true. have to have my cappichino or everybody better watch out. lol speaking of which that does sound good. i bet you have that coffee cup sitting right beside you. or do you have the pot just sitting there. rotflmao. butter
i'm glad your all moved into your new house. good luck with the new job. maybe this is what we both need was a fresh start. friends always butter
your meal sounds delicious. my cook (hubby) had surgery on friday so didn't eat very good this weekend. i think i might make a big pot of bean and ham soup this afternoon though. sounds good on a rainy chilly day. butter