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Dirty Dishes & Immagination
Dirty Dishes & Immagination
I finally got my ass in gear, cleaned, painted, and decorated the downstairs bathroom disaster. Had become so bad, even my granddrt wouldn't use it. With that task accomplished, my sites are now turned to the kitchen. God only knows how long its been since i cleaned in there, yet another disaster zone. Was soo bad, didn't want my girlfriend to see it. Point of story, have been a lazy bachelor for way to long now. So, off I go to clean dirty dishes.The kitchen has been gutted, tho functional, but the unpainted drywall drives me crazy. Although the more I clean, the more I begin to imagine color schemes and kitchen designs! With cold weather coming, will be trapped inside (I HATE the cold). So now i imagine color schemes and designs, just because i cleaned the dirty dishes. My, how my mind does wander and race at times! Just rambling thoughts during a cleaning break.
posted on Oct 26, 2008 4:19 PM ()
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