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A Dog's Life
A Dog's Life
After a bitter winter, long court battle, was "court-ordered" community service. Ironically, was planning to do com. serv. on my own anyway. Just irritated me to no end that,now it was "court-ordered" (esp. since I was not guilty of the accusation): he-said/she-said situation.As a nurse on a dementia unit, my compassion for humanity was at an all-time low. Went out of way to get court approval, to do community service with animals. Previous post about a dog that I became very close to; a lab/retriever mix that was horribly emaciated (starved/ malnourished). I completed any task given, as quickly as possible so I could "walk the dogs" - a feeble attempt to hide my true desire -play with the dogs! Anyway, kinda became known as "the dog-walker" (as no one actually knew my name). Pepper, the dog, though horribly neglected, had a wonderful and sweet personality. Although I "attempted" not to get attached, everyone saw how we interacted. Fortionately, the head volunteer person, who trains dogs for "disabled persons service" noticed! Was asked to participate in the innitial service assessment of the dog, which she passed with flying colors despite beeing emaciated! Point of the story, whereas I was disillusioned with humanity - Pepper had no reason to trust humanity either! We found each other and together overcame extraordinary circumstances! Pepper is now on her way to becoming a highly valued disabled service dog, and I once again find joy in my demented people! Every cloud DOES have a silver lining!
posted on Oct 19, 2008 6:56 AM ()
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