Yes this is "more" about my new website. I kinda just want some to "look", as I am working on it. I know this chit "bores" the hell outta you! I am just wanting "input". It's like, if I write about our baby "Sebastian".. everyone comments. But I need some "comments" on my new website (cause I have to feed Sebastian). I want opinions... good or bad.
To me.. the new site is probably the best I ever did. Graphically, it looks great.. (But I sure need new coin pics). Layout, resolution.. things like that are far better now. I am making sure it works "great", in every resolution, color, and browser. That's a "stick up your ass" in itself.. not super easy... I can say however.. I passed most "problems" on this.. except.. server to place it..

I cannot give you a link yet. The reason, I am in the process of finding the "best server". I want the one I have now, but I am thinking it isn't stable. I may make a "mirror site, so you can see in several places. Not sure. All that will come "soon" at any rate..
Yes, I drink too much.. yes.. I can be a "fluck" at times.. (overall however) "I know what I am doing" and anything I set my mind to do.. I do good.. (Ironic, being "artistic", figuring out programs "even programming" is no problem to me. Dealing with this FLUCCKED up world always is tho... (ask anyone who knows me).. lol
Take a look at my new site.. once put it online... Please!!?
Gary :)