We're heading to Saginaw in the morning. It's like less then an hour away.
We decided not to work a craft show "Saturday" (today). The ones we checked into were short hours, and over priced. We are going to try this "Flea Market in Saginaw for Sunday. I've heard good things about it, but never did it before. I want to try different places, because I will be having a large stand in one of them for the "Holidays".
So right now, I am just taking a break. I've been tearing down my display, and the yard sale. Got alot done, still alot to do. I have to wait on the rest (as it's Roxann's stuff), and I also need her car here to load my display.
Looks like the "Michigan vs. Michigan" State game is on. That's a huge thing here when they play eachother. Right now it's tied "7 to 7". I live like right in the middle of the two colleges, so all the people we know "favor" one or the other. It's kinda half and half. I'm not a big football fan really, so I don't care. I do however favor "Michigan" over Michigan State. I didn't go to college (I did do trade school, and was a straight "A" student in electronics), but I have been to both campuses many times. Mostly MSU for my animals, as I raised chickens, horses, ducks, geese, rabbits, sheep, and a few other things.
If your reading "Kristy", they have a slaughterhouse in MSU. When I was in "FFA" we went on several field trips there. The treatment of even chickens is "Horrible". I used to raise chickens to be butchered, and even butchered my own for a few years. I could NEVER do that again!, not in a million years.
I finally got my "Paypal" resolved. A customer complained she never recieved an order I sent months ago. She tried to email me at one of the "old emails" on my site, but couldn't get through. I had on the main page to use that address for payment only, but use a different one (Which I posted)until I had the site fixed. It just takes awhile to "re-do" a big site like mine. Anyway.. I noticed the problem when Paypal reversed the charges.. lol. It's ok now, I talked to her, and will be resending it on Monday. Since I just use "first class" mail for small orders, once in a while the mail loses one. That's easier for me, just stick a few stamps on it,, and trust them if they say they don't get it. I have no problem redoing an order someone says they didn't recieve.
Ok.. I'm out. Still got alot to do tonight. Plus I'm downloading a new game (500+ MB) that I want to play tonight. It's a new Online "RTS" from "Aeria games" (I love their games.. all free, huge.. and great!). This one's called "Dreamloard". You should check out their games. They have alot FREE.
Gary :)