Just a point to add. Recovering from false accusations of assault. Am a white MALE nurse on a dementia unit. My entire crew is non-white/other. Besides the fact that I was falsely accused of assault (by a white female no less), what irritates me most is that before Crystal was fired/ quit, she went behind the scenes and spread a viscous rumor that i was "racist". I know this because many good staff members suddenly "no longer wished to work under my leadership". Fortunately, 1 person had the guts to tell me face-to-face why. "Rumor" had it that I was racist. SHIT! Couldn't be farther from the truth! Crystal lost both the assault charge against me and her attempt to sue our employer.Point being, before she left, she tried her best to "rally" other employees against me.She lost there too. Although it took me awhile to "re-establish myself"; have overcome those hateful rumors. Its hard enough working on a dementia unit without the undue complications of a self-serving, non-team-playing, lawsuit-seeking employee, who feels she can scream "assault" just because she was told point-blank, that she was not doing her job adequately. Anyway, I took it quite personally, the accusations of "racist" -hell, she was white (will never understand the petty depths of retaliation she went to). Anyway, have reorganized my unit (and I'm the only "white person there")
have once again a unit who is consistantly there, taking care of very confused elderly, ALL working on the same page; we're there for the residents...not to insult each other's race. I just want to point out that it was ME who worked his ass off to get racial harmony back on track!