Big Argument..
Yes, Roxann and I were/ARE in a big argument. I think it's big enough to "break us up". Personally, I do not want to "break up". I like Roxann, and think she is a good person. However, when it comes to her "kids" I think she is "SUPER naieve", and doesn't really know what's going on.
We have "2" computers hooked up here. Today, she found on "her's" one of her boys was looking at "porn". Looking at it when he wasn't even supposed to be on the computer. Now I was "here" on the couch. The computer was in the other room. Looking at the "History" (logs) is easy to sort, because you can see what was looked at, and when. Personally, I could care less if they see porn (they are 16 and 13).. the "Lying" however is a big problem to me.
I know it was "Stephen" and she believes that too (given going through times here, history, and other things). But also, I know "Jeremy" had a hand at it too (Hence our argument)..
I have enough info to know "Jeremy" was doing it too. Because I was here. Maybe not in the same room, but I know who was here, and when. I have other things too..
So.. Roxann and I "fought"! Yes I called her some chit, her me too! She knows her oldest "Stephen" is looking at porn (has even been caught looking at it at his grandmas).. but defends her youngest "Jeremy" to the hilt (who in my opinion, is the biggest scammer there is)..
I like them both. What I know however (and have said here alot), both are lying alot.. and treating her as the "fool". Hell, I catch both in lies like constant. So I guess I am the bad guy when I do?!!
Roxann (to me) plays on both sides of the fence. She complains that I don't "Crack down/punish" the kids enough (once they were caught in something).. but also, when I try to do that she complains too. Seems it don't matter what I do, she will complain.
In one breath,, Roxann will say "Gary, I never get any help. You just try to be friends with the kids", you never disipline... Second breath "Gary, you can't get after them that much"... basically., I have no idea whether to be "stronger. or lighter"...
Fuck it,, I am done trying to figure out women. I'm just gonna do what I feel is right. I hope "Roxann" understands that's what I do.. but if not.. well.. this story could get bigger.......
Anyway.. going to bed... later all... Gary..