Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Taking a Rest

Taking a Rest

Guess I'll take a rest. I've been working all day...

First I made some "food". See, I am the "cook" around here. What I usually do is make up these "huge" pots of food. Then I put it in "baggies, and freeze it". That way, it's simple to have later.

I got up to check my email.. opps, one of my larger orders wasn't finished.. (The dude was asking about it) knew I had to do that...

I was alone with "Sebasian here".. my work stuff stays in the "garage". It was a fairly nice day (for Michigan), so I bundled Sebastian up.. set up his crib in the garage, setup all my work bench stuff,, and stuck a little heater by him. Then I cut coins for hours, as he played..

I finished my orders about the time Roxann got home. So we brought "little man" in, and I went about packaging the orders.

After that I have spent "hours" working on my website. Mainly, I put up a page for "web promotion". It's links to all the major search services, search engines, and other web promotion things. It's useful for me to have for two reasons. 1) it actually makes my site come up better in searches just for having this listing. 2)I know I have listed only the "best" services. And I've been on computers a long time to know. I'll use my page "to increase my own traffic". I didn't put it up for "commerce" (in that way). Yes it will increase my traffic, but I get nothing from any site I am promoting. If you have a site,,, go to my "increase traffic" link on my home page...

Hey, if I haven't mentioned before (lol)... I have a new website up.. the URL is":

it's already hundreds of pages. I was able to create it quick because I have previous made many other websites. I could copy and paste alot (I wanted to keep), and alter alot I wanted to change quick (cause I got some cool tools to do so.. lol. If you get a chance, check out my "programs" page. That's my "passion, my hobby",, it's what I like to do,, I like writing computer programs. Cutting coins is just work to me.

After that.. I spent about 3 or 4 hours adding links, and promoting my site in "searches", "link lists" and such. That will ba a constant thing.. but I been this road before. Soon I will have constant (and many) inquiries on my site/work..

Ok.. out.. back to work :)

posted on Nov 5, 2008 9:00 PM ()


What's your favorite recipes gary?
comment by strider333 on Nov 6, 2008 6:43 PM ()
Wanna stop by my place and cook something? I'm the resident cook, dishwasher, bum wiper....

It sounds like you could use a big rest!
comment by janetk on Nov 6, 2008 5:59 AM ()
i know you are a great cook. you cooked most of the meals when we were out there. your site looks great. have a great night.butter
comment by butterfly1969 on Nov 5, 2008 9:37 PM ()

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