i know how you feel. sometimes i feel like if my head weren't attached i would lose it.
please let me know when they are to be delivered. i hate to have him left in the cold.
yes eddie is cute but u are much better looking we all know. sorry eddie. i will always blog and always read yours. no matter how nasty you get. lol
i'm glad that have someone that enjoys shopping with you. lloyd like to shop to. he went in to walmart on friday and brought back CARS pj's for the twins. he is such a great dad.
i hope you get feeling better soon. just don't breath on the screen so we all get it. lol
we have had the flu going threw our house to. we haven't missed any work. mostly just colds now. collin had it the other night. he was running a low fever when i put him to bed. it rose in the night. but was fine the next morning. both of them are fighting colds now.
glad you are ok. what happened between you and red?
me go shopping today, not a chance. i sent hubby. hehehe not for x-mas things but we are having thanksgiving today and i forgot a few things last night. i hope today is not to busy for you. have a great day.
i haven't seen it. but i will give you a movie reveiw i have seen. BEER FOR MY HORSES. not even worth the rental price. my feeling he just made it know he would make alot of money of it. butter
you are a hero for the job that you do. alot of people would not have the patience to take take care of the elders that you do. alzhiemers paitients are alot of work and you are great at it. keeps up the good work and never think that you don't give back. butter
i know my 2 littliest ones are the same way. they leave blankets, toys, bottles just where ever they feel like it. lol
i hope you enjoyed the turkey and all the fixings. have a great day and get alot of cutting done.