The mouse is now dead!!!! I do fear that there is a second mouse, probably its mate. So I will set the trap again.
When I was little, my sister and I use to have funerals for all the animals that died. This was especially true for those dime-store turtles because they never lasted very long. We also buried a lot of gold fish complete with hymns, scriptures, and prayers. We had so much fun playing funeral that we often dug up the goldfish and buried it a second time.
There was a special spot behind our farm house where we buried all our precious pets.... dogs, cats, and even a pet sheep. A few years back, the people that now live in that house plowed up the backyard to make more pasture space. They found all those bones and figured out it was our private pet cemetary. I do believe it is against the law to bury animals in one's backyard now.
Well... back to my mouse killing. Morbid, huh?
Annie :o)