Yes... I am congratulating myself because I finally accomplished something that I have tried off and on for a couple of years. I know you are sitting on the edge of your chairs wondering what great feat I have managed. Well... I'm a little embarrassed to say as many of you accomplished this same feat some time ago.
Okay... here is the big news. I FINALLY POSTED MUSIC ON MY PROFILE PAGE!!!! Yep, at long last I have music which starts playing all by itself when you log onto my blog. Most of you won't be impressed by this news, but I am greatly impressed with myself. I've never been that great at working this computer and when I do something new, I'm always excited.
I think you will like the music I chose. I picked mostly instrumental so that you could read the short version of my life story without hearing someone singing in the background. Although, one song does have words. Also, it is relaxing music, so if you just need to relax, stop by my profile page, close your eyes, and take a musical break. It's good for your mental health. It's even better if you breathe in and out slowly... focusing on your breathing. It may save you a trip to your therapist. lol
Speaking of therapist... I have to see the physical therapist tomorrow. Yuck... more pain. I also see the back surgeon and he is going to get to hear me complain about pain.
Well... I must get on with my day and I must do my physical therapy at home routine. Then, I need to pay bills. Ohhhh.... doesn't this sound like a great day?
Hope ya'll are having a wonderful day. (((Hugs))) to you. - Annie L :o)