It's been a rough day with the trip to town. My doctor and my physical therapist tell me I am getting better. My body tells me I could die any minute. Ouch!!!!! Pain!!!!!
Whenever I hurt this much, I really miss my Hubby who is out on the road as usual in his truck. I haven't seen him for weeks. Haven't seen my dog, Annie, either as she is with him. Ohhhh... I will be sooooo glad when they get back home. Hopefully, they will be home on Thursday.
MEN... they need lessons in how to respond to a wife. I tell him, through my sobbing, I need him to come home and take care of me. What do I get from his end of the phone? SILENCE!!!! So what am I to think? Do I think that I said something wrong or that he isn't that overjoyed about coming home to a hurting wife? Or.... is it that his brain just hasn't processed what I have said and needs some time to think about it? What he should have said was... "Yes, honey, I will take care of you and make you feel better. And I will also get the house all clean for you and cook you a nice meal." Geez.... that is what I would say if he were the one staying home and not feeling well. I think their moms should have had a talk with these guys and told them just how they need to treat wives. I don't have a son or I would give him a talking to even if he didn't need it. lol
Okay... enough of that rant. I'll be better tomorrow.
Ya know, I started out in a bad mood this morning. Before I got out of bed, I hurt and I realized I had to get up and go to town for a torture session. That was almost enough to keep me in bed. Then, the first thing I do every morning is to open the curtains. What did I see this morning? TWO INCHES OF SNOW!!!!! It is April and why am I seeing two inches of freshly fallen snow and more on the way? I'm about to give up on spring coming. It is sooooo cold here or at least, it feels sooooo cold. I think I'm living in Alaska.
Well... this blog is way too long and way tooo negative. I've complained about my pain, the weather, and men. I better stop now until I find something positive to say.
Annie :o)