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American Graffiti Forever

Life & Events > Cold Wind's a Blowin'

Cold Wind's a Blowin'

That jet stream is flowing right across our ranch on its way from the Artic. Wow, it is one cold wind!!! JR dressed so warm this morning to go out hunting that he could hardly walk. He didn't see or hear a thing out there this morning. I think it was too cold for the deer to come out to play.

We have two deer tags for private land. One tag is for me and one for him, but he fills both of them because I couldn't kill a deer. I will eat the deer after it is killed, but I couldn't shoot one myself.

He filled one tag with a small 3 point buck and it is now at the butcher shop. He is still looking for a big buck. The power man who services our area has been told that there are 2 really big bucks in our section one. He thought they were both 4 points. They have been up there for several years, but they must be survivors because they sure are elusive and they definitely have managed to outsmart JR. He has caught site of them, but they are always gone in a flash.

Yesterday, JR watched a coyote headed his way. Finally, the coyote caught JR's scent and quickly left. Then JR saw a bobcat which was also heading toward him. But, a magpie bird started sqawking and warned the bobcat of the danger and so he took off, too. I sure wish I were able to walk around in those woods as I would enjoy seeing all of the wildlife, too.

I think we will drive up the mountain this weekend to see if we can find any big bucks. One summer we went on a sight seeing trip to the mountain and we came across the most beautiful buck I have ever seen in person. Of course, it wasn't hunting season, so we just sat and watched it as it watched us. What a sight!!!!

Well... ya'll have a great day. With love & hugs - Annie :o)

posted on Oct 11, 2008 12:41 PM ()


If JR doesn't want the antlers off the deer he shoots there's a guy here in LC that uses them to make knife handles and does trading for a finished knife(they are replicas of Native American obsidian knives.)He's usually at the Lincoln City Cultural Center on Sundays.
comment by draco on Oct 14, 2008 2:49 PM ()
i couldnt shoot one either annie but yes i could eat some stay warm kiddo bloody cyotes hey
comment by oldroan on Oct 13, 2008 5:06 PM ()
I can't remember if I've posted a photo of my mounted deer head that I bought at the auction. I need to go count the points on it (it's next door adding to the ambience), but the best thing about it to my mind is that it is from 1937. It only sheds a little bit.
comment by troutbend on Oct 12, 2008 3:24 PM ()
Cold? I need to read these posts just to remember that other folks are not running their AC every day. I miss Fall; I miss the change of seasons.
comment by dragonflyby on Oct 12, 2008 1:26 PM ()
WINTER'S COMING IN QUICK. LOVELY POST. I should try and get around here more often.
comment by tracy on Oct 12, 2008 3:57 AM ()
Bundle up and stay warm, it's was in the upper 80's here today.
comment by elfie33 on Oct 11, 2008 7:07 PM ()
Stay warm, dear Annie!
comment by marta on Oct 11, 2008 2:11 PM ()

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