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American Graffiti Forever

Life & Events > Okay ... Calm Down and Start Breathing!

Okay ... Calm Down and Start Breathing!

Geez, I just now had a really big scare. I'm sure glad my hubby was home. It is well after dark and I'm in the office on the computer and the window blinds are up. I look out and someone is walking around with a flashlight. Aaaaugh... breathing now stops. I yelled at JR that someone is in the front yard with a flashlight and so he goes to check out the living room window. Meanwhile, I'm yelling (as I open the gun safe).... which gun do you want???? Then there is a banging at the door which is 2 feet from where I'm sitting. JR is telling me to get a pistol and I'm so scared I'm handing him his .22 rifle. He is saying, "No, the pistol!!!!"

Well... I finally hand him a pistol and he tells me that he wants the OTHER pistol. I'm thinking... "Why does it matter?"
But, I grab another pistol and that seems to satisfy him.

You see... we really live out in the country so far that nobody ever just walks into our yard on foot. We should have heard a car or something. But, we opened the door to two Native American woman... one middle-aged and one teenager. The middle-aged lady with flashlight in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other hand, exclaimed that they had just walked off of the mountain next to our ranch. Apparently, their pickup had broken down near the top of the mountain and they had been walking for hours in 30plus degree weather to get as far as our ranch. They were so happy that we were home!!!!

JR is now taking them down to their house in the nearby town. I see he took his pistol with him. I kinda chuckled as they went out the door, thinking that he was a bit afraid to drive these women anywhere. I think they were completely harmless, but one never knows what to think when one woman has a bottle of whiskey. I think she probably grabbed it out of her pickup just in case they had to spend the night on the mountain. They would definitely have some liquid to sustain life.

It kind of reminded me of the night a young Native man was walking down our road. I stopped to find out why he was out here so far at night and to see if he needed help. I started to ask him with the window rolled down on the passenger side. But, before I could say anything, he was already inside my car and now I had a passenger!!!!! I quickly realized he smelled like the inside of a beer can and he was a very big big guy. Needless to say... I got him to his house and dropped him off as quickly as possible even though he was insisting that I needed to help him buy some gas and take him back up the mountain because his friend was waiting up there for him. I told him absolutely not and drove away.

We don't have much excitement out here, but just having a person show up after dark is excitement enough. Fact is, if they show up during daylight and I don't know them, I meet them with the shotgun, too. Soooo.... if ya come to visit.... let me know ahead of time. lol

Okay.. I've finally gotten my breath and I think my blood pressure is coming back down.

Annie :o)

posted on Oct 10, 2008 8:36 PM ()


Those women are lucky that JR didn't start bustin' caps. From your posts he doesn't seem like the type that would shoot first and ask questions later.
comment by draco on Oct 14, 2008 2:46 PM ()
They were likely FF cold, pretty desperate, and scared too if they heard you and JR talking about guns! Glad JR was able to take them home. What a night you had.
comment by dragonflyby on Oct 12, 2008 1:32 PM ()
Everyone needs a little excitement in their lives every once in awhile! I don't own anything more than a BB gun, and I,too, live in the country.
comment by solitaire on Oct 12, 2008 5:47 AM ()
Good grief that would freak me out too. Glad that everything turned out alright.
comment by elfie33 on Oct 11, 2008 7:06 PM ()
I am making sure that I will not be visiting there.
To have someone meet at the door with a pistol or rifle.
That is too dangerous for me.
comment by fredo on Oct 11, 2008 10:07 AM ()
That would be scary, considering that you live so far out of town. I'm glad that you folks were safe! Good thing your husband was home.
comment by hopefields on Oct 11, 2008 3:50 AM ()
I'd like to aim a pistol at some of my neighbours.
comment by nittineedles on Oct 10, 2008 11:46 PM ()
Just reading this, my little heart is fluttering! No wonder you were startled!
comment by marta on Oct 10, 2008 8:45 PM ()
That must have been really spooky.
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 10, 2008 8:37 PM ()

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