I'm tired tonight. We took our calves to the sale yard for tomorrow's sale. They are the best calves we have raised on this place, but the stock prices are the lowest. Soooo... we'll just hold our breath and see what turns out tomorrow.
I also took my car to be fixed. I've been running it with the engine light on since JR was off trucking. I told him there was a funny looking light on, but I didn't know what it meant. Well... now I know. Ooops!!!!! Thankfully, it is only about a $150 fix-it job, but we are waiting for the part to be order. That is typical for Klamath Falls... they never have anything in stock.
The cold wind has left us and we've had a couple of really nice days, but it is still chilly at night. I'm happy that we are back to our nice autumn weather.
Enough for now. I'm going to bed early tonight.
Night all - Annie :o)