(googled picture from Texas ranch)
We sold our Brangus/Charolais crossbred calves at the local auction on Tuesday and they were the best looking calves at the sale. That opinion was shared by many of the other ranchers with whom we talked. The sad part was the price of calves was holding at about 80 cents... no matter how good they looked. What a sad day!!!! Some of those ranchers were only getting 60 or 70 cents. They just sat there shaking their heads in disbelief. Last year, these same calves would have brought about $1.30 to $1.40.
Inspite of the low price, I was so proud of our calves. This is the first year, we have had the charolais crossed with the brangus. Usually, we had purebred brangus. From the looks of these calves, we should have switched to the crossbreds years ago. Just look at those butts!!!! Wow... lots of meat on those rumps!!!!
Well... the calf check won't even cover the cost of pasture rental or hay for the winter. We will just consider the cattle operation a tax write off, but that is usually the way it goes around here. One is not a true rancher unless they are running in the red or at least... that is the way it seems.
Here's to next year. We hope it will be better.

Annie :o)
Better Sales next year.