I changed my avatar yesterday to feature little Reni. He has grown so very much over the past few months. What a charmer he is! But full of the old pi$$ and vinegar.
I was scheduled to take him to the vet yesterday for his last shot before his male detachment surgery and his rabies shot. I loaded him into his little carrier, grabbed my purse and all necessary items that a woman must have and dashed to the Nissan carriage awaiting us. However, the car wouldn't start--dead battery. I called hubby who returned immediately to check out my trusted stead, but yes, the battery was kaput!!!!!!!!!! I had to call the vet and reschedule the appointment. Hubby in the meantime jumped my car, took it to the car fixer, and got a new battery and also windshield wipers--$96! He wanted to know how I was going to pay him back! I informed him that I guess I would continue to cook his meals, wash his clothes and clean his house for him. Of course, he had something else on his mind---men--you gotta lov'em!
I am in 7th heaven--reading and writing blogs again, enjoying the family that I have here on mybloggers. Of couse, having all the children busy and productive, out of my space for a time is absolutely wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! I am able to fly around the house to do my never ending chores in peace!
Oh my--the daughter is up---time to sign out for a while. Today is grocery day--the horrible trip to Wally World--pushing and shoving my way up and down the crowded aisles, waiting in terribly long lines to pay--why are there so few cashiers?
Have a wonderful weekend, my friends.