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This Oughta Be Good

Travel > Slow Day on Brown Trout Lane

Slow Day on Brown Trout Lane

The phone just now rang and it was a strange-sounding man who wanted to know if this is where he should call to order the calendars. "Calendars?" I said. Turns out there is a BrownTrout publishing company that puts out calendars on various topics such as Yoga Cats, Yoga Dogs, Marilyn Monroe, etc. That is not us, we just happen to live on Brown Trout Lane is all. They are located in El Segundo, California, and didn't publish their phone number on their website, no doubt to keep mouth-breathers from calling.

Here's a story that Traveltales could post, but didn't:

Norwegian tourist falls asleep on airport baggage belt
Rome's Fiumicino airport has defended its security procedures after a drunk Norwegian tourist fell asleep on a baggage belt and travelled 160 feet before being identified by an X-ray scanner.

The tourist was spotted in this X-ray image on the baggage belt Photo: La Repubblica (

By Josephine McKenna, Rome1:54PM BST 09 Aug 2012

The 36-year-old, who has not been named, arrived at the international terminal of Italy's busiest airport at the end of last month with a backpack and a can of beer in his hand.

The Norwegian was due to check in for a flight to Oslo and when he found no one on duty at the airline desk he leapt across the counter and fell into a deep asleep on the baggage belt with his bag beside him.

As the belt began to move the unsuspecting tourist reportedly travelled for 15 minutes through the secure baggage area in Terminal 3 before officials spotted his body curled up in a foetal position in an X-ray image on their monitors.

He slept through the whole episode and airport police had trouble waking him when they were called to the scene to investigate what had happened.
A senior officer with Fiumicino airport police said on Thursday the incident exposed no weaknesses in the terminal's security and it was not the first kind of incident involving "drunks or people with psychological problems".

posted on Aug 10, 2012 2:39 PM ()


This is hilarious!
comment by dragonflyby on Aug 14, 2012 6:34 PM ()
I keep thinking about how the xrays they use on baggage are very strong - he probably got many times the safe human dose. That'll teach him. And just imagine the baggage screeners when they saw that go by. Hah! Bet it woke them up.
reply by troutbend on Aug 14, 2012 8:33 PM ()
well that's one way to get a cheap xray!
comment by elkhound on Aug 11, 2012 7:00 AM ()
Isn't that the truth. TSA folk could be doing us all a public service if only they would.
reply by troutbend on Aug 11, 2012 4:09 PM ()
Absolutely hilarious!
comment by jerms on Aug 11, 2012 5:21 AM ()
Garden update: two nice-sized zucchini, some tomatoes ripening on the vine, many green ones.
reply by troutbend on Aug 11, 2012 4:11 PM ()
Happy not to be someone who would fall asleep on a baggage belt. Poor soul. On his way to a bad liver for sure.
comment by tealstar on Aug 10, 2012 4:08 PM ()
I don't drink for fear of the hangover, but I suppose the secret is to never sober up.
reply by troutbend on Aug 10, 2012 4:49 PM ()
I am still waiting for my very first trouble there.
Never had none so far and hope that is stays that way.
comment by fredo on Aug 10, 2012 3:53 PM ()
You lead a charmed travel life.
reply by troutbend on Aug 10, 2012 4:48 PM ()
Being an editor follows you forever--get to work on making/writing and printing those calendars!!!

I saw the story about the tourist guy on the news last night--could have been me--I sleep through everything except TV, movies and traveling but on a luggage belt??? I'll have to give that a try!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 10, 2012 3:48 PM ()
After I hung up I was thinking what's wrong with me, I should be producing calendars with fish on them and tee shirts with foxes and geese.
reply by troutbend on Aug 10, 2012 4:48 PM ()
We had our troubles at the same air port when they kept Ted in baggage
claim because they didn't want to take him through customs and we missed
our flight. Lots of people have problems at that airport. I yelled about
it for three hours and no one would listen.
comment by elderjane on Aug 10, 2012 3:31 PM ()
Not on my list of places to visit. The most adventuresome I'll get is England, and I can't understand them there as it is.
reply by troutbend on Aug 10, 2012 4:47 PM ()

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