Today we spent 10 minutes in the cooky/cracker aisle at the grocery store marveling at all the new shapes and flavors available to us. The ones I remember are the green glow in the dark Hostess snow balls and the many new flavors of Oreos:
Double Stuf Golden Oreo As their name indicates they are Double Stuf Oreos with Golden Oreo wafers instead of normal chocolate Oreo wafers.
Oreo Fudgees are rectangular "dipping" shaped Oreos with a chocolate fudge filling (different from the Chocolate Creme Oreo).
Oreo Fudge Sundae Creme (Limited Edition) are chocolate ring cookies with the traditional white cream filling on Half of Ring cookie, the other half is a Fudge cream.
Oreo Fudge Rings are chocolate ring cookies with the traditional white cream filling drizzled over them.
Oreo WaferStix are long wafer sticks that have a creamy filling and are covered by chocolate.
Golden Oreo have vanilla wafers and the traditional white cream filling.
Golden Chocolate Creme Oreo are 'reverse' (inverse) Oreo cookies in that they comprise vanilla wafers and a chocolate cream filling.
Double Stuf Oreo have about twice the normal amount of white cream filling. Available in peanut butter, original, cool mint or chocolate cream.
Double Delight Oreo have chocolate cookies with two fillings, notably peanut butter and chocolate; mint and cream; and coffee and cream flavors.
Cool Mint Creme Oreo are a Double Stuf Oreo with a slightly minty creme filling.
Fudge Covered Oreo, White Fudge Oreo and Milk Chocolate Oreo are covered in either a layer of fudge, white fudge or milk chocolate respectively.
Pure Milk Chocolate Covered Mint Oreo are similar to Milk Chocolate Oreo, but have a mint-flavored filling.
Oreo Cakesters are 2 or 3 chocolate soft snack cakes with vanilla creme in the middle. These are also available with chocolate creme, or in the "golden" variety.
Oreo Heads or Tails have vanilla creme filling with a chocolate Oreo wafer on one side and a Golden Oreo wafer on the other.
Many of these varieties are combined, producing, for example, "Chocolate Fudge Mint Covered", "Double Stuf Chocolate Creme", and so forth.
We didn't buy any, just looked and marveled, but all this is making me hungry.