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This Oughta Be Good

Entertainment > Some Photos

Some Photos

These are from the Fort Collins, Colorado newspaper. Every year Old Town Fort Collins has a Tiny Tot Halloween Parade.

These costumes are so clever, and the children look so pleased.

Yes, I'm afraid that is a pit bull, very popular breed in that part of the state. I think the little girl is sticking her tongue out to imitate the dog, which is really cute. Careful, though, next thing you know the dog could be chewing her face off. People claim they are a wonderful breed if raised properly, but they seem to be popular with a section of our society that isn't known for good parenting skills.

This is for nittineedles, home of the Interweave Press in Loveland, Colorado, publisher of magazines and books about knitting, spinning, and other arts. Built as a bank in 1928, they moved out in 1963, then I think the Elks Club was located there for several years. I don't how long Interweave has been there, a year or two.

Here are some kayakers in the Big Thompson River this past week, a few miles downstream from my house; the river has been up lately:

I'm watching the Packers-Jets game, but it's slow going. The Denver Broncos lost by a huge margin last Sunday: 59 to 14, beaten at home by the hated Oakland Raiders. It looks like a high school or college score. This week the Broncos are playing San Francisco in London England of all places. Maybe the Broncos were so distracted by the prospect of flying that long distance they forgot how to play.

This isn't funny, but it is:

In Las Vegas this past week man in a motorized wheelchair was hit and killed by a car on the offramp of Interstate 15 at 12:30 am. I asked Mr. Troutbend what he thought the guy might be doing driving a wheelchair on the Interstate in the first place, and he said: "Spring Mountain Exit? I guess he was headed for The Mirage or Treasure Island."

posted on Oct 31, 2010 11:37 AM ()


I'm rather impressed by the Interweave Cathedral. I'll draw nittineedles attention to it!
comment by nursekim on Nov 3, 2010 9:35 PM ()
Phew! I was ready to have my a**hole ripped open again!
comment by juliansmom on Nov 1, 2010 6:22 PM ()
Oh, I'm sorry this got out of hand. Who would ever expect all that passion on the side of pit bulls?
reply by troutbend on Nov 1, 2010 10:40 PM ()
Children are like pit bulls...they can be trained to be kind to animals.just
as the pit bulls can be trained. Saying that, I would never have a pit
bull and take the chance of it harming someone. As to the wheelchair
guy, I have ranted and raved about people who use them on the street, much
less an expressway. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
comment by elderjane on Nov 1, 2010 6:29 AM ()
We decided maybe he was just crossing the street at the top of the offramp, that makes more sense, but still. They should put reflective tape on those things and some headlamps and tail lights.
reply by troutbend on Nov 1, 2010 6:05 PM ()
Hey, I de-fragged and eliminated my temp. files, and sure enough, your photos came up quickly! That kayak pic is awesome! Worthy of Nat. Geo.
The "pit bull" looks like a bull dog mix. Or are they one and the same?
comment by solitaire on Nov 1, 2010 5:52 AM ()
Isn't that something that cleaning up your hard drive would make such a difference? I'm glad that worked for you because I feel so guilty posting photos you'd have trouble seeing. I don't know what the relationship is between pit bulls and bull dogs.
reply by troutbend on Nov 1, 2010 6:10 PM ()
I don't think the breed is the problem, honestly. I have a perfect example of why breed restrictions are ridonk in my very own house.
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 31, 2010 6:43 PM ()
Certain people in Colorado buy pit bulls and treat them badly so they are hostile animals and somehow the owners think that makes themselves more macho.
reply by troutbend on Nov 1, 2010 6:12 PM ()
I just replied to Tealstar...didn't mean for this to turn into a "Janet hates dogs"...I truly don't have any opinion one way or another.

J's granddaughter was around the dogs every day as J baby sat her. The little girl loved the dogs and J was often going on about how good natured her dogs were, how lovable and gentle they were, etc. The little girl was out playing in the backyard and one of the dogs turned and attacked her.

I exercise caution around any dog with my children...I just wish some dog owners exercised as much.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 1, 2010 10:52 AM ()
Brilliant photographs Laura, honestly the kayaking photos are awesome. How they are able to stay afloat in the rapids never cease to amaze me! The children look so happy too - I think they had a good time
comment by febreze on Oct 31, 2010 5:56 PM ()
That looks like some highly technical kayaking to me. We don't know how they avoid impaling their boat on a rock.
reply by troutbend on Nov 1, 2010 6:13 PM ()
My friend, Leeanne, has a pitbull, who had been abused. Her name is Mallory. She is a peach, was worn out and bred repeatedly for her puppies. Leeanne nursed her back to health. For a short time, Leeanne had a kitten -- it was not healthy and died. But while she had her, Mallory mothered the kitten, licked it, slept with it. I think humans are the reason for bad dog behavior.

The kids' costumes are unusually elaborate -- a lot more ambitious than the sheets and Wal-Mart junk one usually sees.
comment by tealstar on Oct 31, 2010 1:20 PM ()
I'm confused.The four year old deserved what she got if she was acting like a four year old?

The story of J and her dogs has always (for me) begged the question...if she was such a good owner and master (she sounded like most of these comments) AND it's not the breed...then why was her granddaughter attacked?
reply by juliansmom on Nov 1, 2010 10:41 AM ()
Will be watching the New England Pat at four fifteen.My afternoon is securedNice photo.I am surprised that they were able to get the Pit Bull dressed.But looking at it he or she does not look dangerous like he was having a fun time.Pit Bull around here have been very dangerous.No!do not blame them but the owners.I know that they can be trained very nicely.Just a bad rap for them.
comment by fredo on Oct 31, 2010 12:45 PM ()
Thanks for stopping in, Fredo. We'll be glad when election day is over tomorrow.
reply by troutbend on Nov 1, 2010 6:13 PM ()
No it's not funny, but I did giggle.

That oompa loompa was amazing and so was the peacock.I think a tiny tot parade sounds like a great idea...I wish more communities did things like that.

I had a boss a long time ago who was infamous for her rants on pit bulls. She had three, I think, and we *all* had to hear about what a great breed they were, it was in the way you raised them, the laws were unfair (here in Ontario, you can't breed them...they have to be fixed and it's almost impossible to own them) of her precious dogs chewed her graddaughter's ear and half of her face off.
comment by juliansmom on Oct 31, 2010 11:56 AM ()
I think pit bulls were originally developed as fighting dogs, and there is always that trait in their DNA, regardless of how domesticated they've become. There are so many nice dog breeds whose DNA is all about sheep herding or retrieving people seems like there are better choices to be made.
reply by troutbend on Nov 1, 2010 6:08 PM ()
I couldn't agree more with Tealstar...
reply by kristilyn3 on Oct 31, 2010 6:41 PM ()
Oooopps - I forgot about the mybloggers censorship
The word they deleted was:
*b**i**t**c**h . . .
reply by febreze on Oct 31, 2010 5:49 PM ()
Oh the poor little girl With luck, hopefully she will have a successful facial reconstruction. I have a Rottweiler #####, she is an absolute 'angel'. She is fabulous with all my grandchildren and my two cats, but, I would never,ever, leave her alone with them - and that goes for any breed of dog from small terriers 'upwards'. As my husband once wrote on his 'blogster' blog "If you happen to tread on a dogs tail - it is possible it will bite you back". I think there is a lot of sense in that. However, to avoid these attrocious dog attacks, parents must ensure the safety of the kiddies - it is paramount.
reply by febreze on Oct 31, 2010 5:45 PM ()
Before passing judgment on the dog, I'd like to know what the child was doing when this sorry thing happened. I've seen small children abuse dogs. I'd bite them too. It is not a good idea, with any breed, to allow small children, with their impulsive and unwittingly cruel ways, to be around them without supervision. Do you know the story?
reply by tealstar on Oct 31, 2010 1:19 PM ()

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