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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > Flood Bucket List

Flood Bucket List

There are things here at my house that will never be the same following the big floods of September 2013. So far, nothing has been better than it was before the flood, although the highway department promises a better-designed, safer, more resilient main road by the end of 2017.

Here at the house, we've fixed some things like our private access road so we can drive up to the house, and we're working on the red cabin, but so much of it is a compromise and an inconvenience and very expensive. I've read studies of disaster survivors where some of them said their living situation or some other factor in their lives was better since the flood, due to getting a new HUD home or some other government benefit, but given a choice they would have just as soon not had the disaster.

Well, anyhow. Yesterday one of my own flood recovery items got checked off. Century Link finally sent repairmen to properly install the phone line to my house. Since the flood it has been on the ground from the pole up to my house. It went along the lane, across the bridge, across the yard and up to the house. Over the past 658 days the company's representatives - from the 'help' desk in India to repairmen whom I talked to at other peoples' houses told me the company was not required to repair their phone line. It required a complaint to the state Public Utilities Commission to get some action, and even then it was frustrating, but it finally worked.


To get the new line across the river, they borrowed fishing waders and one of them flung a wrench tied to a fiberglass tape at his partner who was waiting on the riverbank next to the water. That worked out well. And the rest was their normal procedure.

Then, they needed to locate a break in the line east of me that is affecting the ability to restore service to the folks on Rainbow Trout Lane. We followed the side stream by my house for about half a mile to follow the phone line to where it heads over the mountain. It goes to a place called Grandpa's Retreat that is a distance off the highway. They lost their road in the flood and no public entity has stepped up to do the $800,000 or more repairs for them. Their problem is nobody lives there full-time. It wouldn't have guaranteed complete coverage, but would have been better than the nothing they have now. I have a feeling the phone company will come up with a solution that circumvents that property and finally gets phone service to my neighbors.


This picture is from after the 1976 flood. The sign was a landmark in the canyon, and it wasn't replaced after that flood, but the old timers like me still remember it. Before the implementation of rural 9-1-1 required the naming of our roads, we had to have landmarks like this so people could find our homes.

Looking past the sign, you can see their ruined road. It got fixed back in the 1970s, but won't this time unless the highway department decides it's a good place to get rid of some of the rock generated in blasting out cliffs during road construction. We'll see.

posted on July 2, 2015 9:20 AM ()


a few hours to your 4th its just ticked over midnight here have a good one
every time I see on our news floods over their I think of you straight away and hope your safe.
can remember that flood and you were in more strife than you can shake a stick at and not all fixed yet , bloody hell that's been a long wait .
$800.000 to be done on that other road , would think it would be cheaper to hire a dozer and do it yourself , but then I s'pose not much use so why worry .
I remember using google earth , I knew where you were --forgotten now -- and I come up to your front gate, even enjoyed coming up the road
comment by kevinshere on July 3, 2015 7:50 AM ()
I recently found some photos someone from the government took at our gate early last year - they didn't come down due to needed permission. I'll post them some time. There is millions of dollars of federal government money to fix some of roads around here, but it's slow coming, those people with the big road problem don't qualify, and some of us didn't know to wait for it, so went ahead and fixed our own.
reply by troutbend on July 3, 2015 9:58 PM ()
and once they did get the line to yer house, I bet you had to climb the phone pole to answer the phone like on Green Acres.

yer having to deal with Century Link too pal
comment by honeybugg on July 3, 2015 7:11 AM ()
It was looking that way for a bit - but we worked out an elegant solution, or at least I thought so. Mr. TBend was not as impressed with how they did it, but I was thinking if he doesn't like what happens around here, he should stick around and see to it himself. You must be getting into Frontier Days time soon.
reply by troutbend on July 3, 2015 10:02 PM ()
We had a good and much needed rain last night. You have done such a
good job getting your heritage back together and preserving it for those
that come after.
comment by elderjane on July 3, 2015 6:15 AM ()
I was over there today looking at the red cabin. We're waiting for the building plans, and by the time we get things rolling again, it'll be bitter winter again.
reply by troutbend on July 3, 2015 10:00 PM ()
Enjoy the weekend.
comment by jondude on July 3, 2015 6:13 AM ()
Yes, and you too, with all those cats. I saved your barbecue sauce recipe to try.
reply by troutbend on July 3, 2015 9:59 PM ()
How about 'no more floods' on your bucket list???
Have a happy 4th
comment by greatmartin on July 2, 2015 9:44 AM ()
Happy 4th to you, too, Martin.
reply by troutbend on July 3, 2015 9:59 PM ()

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