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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > The Color Deciders

The Color Deciders

There is a group of over 1700 professionals representing various retail industries called The Color Marketing Group. These professionals forecast the color directions for all markets including household interiors, home fashions, apparel, automotive, etc. Yearly, this team meets, discusses, and agrees on the prescribed color forecast for the coming seasons. Therefore, each year, new shades, tints, variations, or combinations of the basics will pervade every aspect of the retail market.

It is easy to see this in action when you look through the ads that come in your Sunday newspaper - all of a sudden lime green and turquoise are the colors of choice and reds and yellows are no longer seen, or the other way around. Naturally, it is all designed to get us to dump our perfectly good stuff because the color has gone out of style.

Okay, I know you want to know what this news item I am reading says the new trends are:

Green - green, as in save the earth with gas-saving cars, light bulbs, recycling. Of course you don't have to buy a car that is actually painted green, and your light bulbs still put out white-ish light, but to make the point, the upcoming color palette tends toward leafy green and yellow-green hues.

Because blue represents water, which is needed to make things green, the clear blues and blue/greens reminiscent of deep (presumably clean) bodies of water will start showing up.

Solar energy will be symbolized by the colors of fire: variations of mandarin and flame orange, with golds such as seen in Dijon mustards and olive oil yellows.

Now, there is also a need for calm in our current frantic situation, so peace and relaxation are going to be evoked by variations of clean sky blues and richer Provence blues (see photo). But "the most important color trend is for the blues to even deeper toward the purples and wines, reminiscent of the richer colors of the past. Sometimes a bit indulgent and glamorous, these 'nostalgic' lavenders, iris blues, and vibrant purples somehow give us a look back, to those times in our lives when things were simpler and more solid.

This is a "Provence Blue" stove available from Williams-Sonoma. Leave it to them to be on the leading edge of color trends in expensive appliances.

Even touches of mauve (yes, alas, that 80's color again!) have sneaked back into the mix, paired with taupes, blued or charcoal-grays and the red/purple family."

For younger folk, color inspiration comes from Japanese anime, with bright, clashing combinations of colors - fuschia, bright reds, vibrant blues, and mint greens."

Okay. There you go. I don't see any mention of harvest gold and avocado green coming back so we'll have to wait for next season. I'm not admitting whether I have any major appliances in those colors, but I might a small one or two around here.

posted on Oct 25, 2008 9:24 PM ()


we are currently painting rooms in our home with many of the colors you mentioned. how nice to know that my instinctual tastes portray that of "trend setting" design.
comment by ambereyes on Oct 28, 2008 2:30 PM ()
I liked anything that are bold and earthy.
comment by fredo on Oct 27, 2008 10:36 AM ()
If I wait long enough, all my colors will be back in vogue!
comment by redimpala on Oct 27, 2008 7:38 AM ()
I like Province Blue!!! I have often thought that owning a huge colonial style mansion and having the walls painted Province Blue with white trim would be very cool. Interesting blog.
comment by anniel on Oct 26, 2008 9:49 AM ()
I love the blues and green and am glad to hear that I am fashionable now. The decorating shows that I watch show a lot of muddy brown and sickly yellow green. China is terribly Halloween costume.
comment by elderjane on Oct 26, 2008 8:05 AM ()
My shelves and floors change colors. Right now they are the usual color, Dusty gray.
comment by jondude on Oct 26, 2008 6:30 AM ()
Marketing people love to make people unhappy with what they have. Our first house on the island had deep orange sinks and food storage cannisters in orange and green. The fellow who bought that house has totally renovated everything and is in the middle now of adding two rooms and a pool. The house we are in now has avocado and gold tubs and basins. Renovating the bathrooms is a back burner project, especially now. My preference for the kitchen is stainless and we do have a stainless sink (and coffee pot). Everything else is white. On another subject (because I saw a program on what people are buying for their pets) we don't buy Halloween costumes for the cats, either. If I was going to decorate a cat for Halloween, I certainly wouldn't spend any money on it. And it would certainly have to be okay with the kitty.
comment by tealstar on Oct 26, 2008 6:15 AM ()
I played it safe and bought white appliances. At least they all match, now.
comment by nittineedles on Oct 26, 2008 12:12 AM ()

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